I get tightness in my chest when I hear that word. It throws me back to being a little girl disecting or whatever they call it, those sentences Sister Miriam Fidelis wrote up on the blackboard.
If you were to ask me right now what a preposition is, I couldn't give you the definition. If you told me, I'd say "oh yeah, that's right.", and forget within the week.
Like Sister Miriam Fidelis, none of those who whine about this sort of thing know either, Chai. They are just reliving their teachers'/mom's/dad's/ grammar maven's admonitions. Why this is so common a thing for language and "grammar", I don't think that I'll ever understand.
In all likelihood, Sister MF didn't know her grammar from her habit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you unconsciously know your grammar millions of times better than the sum total of the sum total of all the peevers on the peeves threads.
And what good is conscious knowledge of grammar? Other than as a field of study or to straighten out the peevers, not much. It doesn't help you be a better speaker or writer.
Let the tightness in your chest go. Can you explain the physiology of respiration? the mechanics of physical motion? Not a snowball's chance in hell yet you've done these things just fine for a good number of years, have you not?.
You know the grammar of English.
Much of the old grammar terminology is changing, so even those that "know" don't really know.