I almost added that caveat as I made the post - that by posting it I was doing the same thing.
I look at this in a broader sense than this thread. There are many instances here - at A2k, not this thread - where typos and grammatical errors have been used to call (or infer) that the poster is lazy, moronic, stupid, and idiot (or idjit), etc. The "stupid people" example I used was from Facebook, as I said. The fact that it happened to be a couple of facebook friends from A2K was consistent with bringing it here as an example.
To separate the peeve from the peever is the basis of the beginning of my statement. Most folks who are expressing their peeves seldom think (or admit) that they are sitting in judgment (which, btw, my fingers insist is spelled "judgement" every time I type it). Those who are the source of those peeves can and do feel judged.
I've posted on grammar (or, in this case, spelling) nazi threads before. My biggest peeve is folks who feel compelled to publicly state their biggest peeve. I only ever make that statement on peeve threads. Just joining in on the fun.