when my daughter was born I ended up being 2 months behind on rent because of constant infections that kept me in and out of the hospital.
i always........always.........ALWAYS told my landlord. Everything. Even things they didnt need to know.
i went so far as to invite them over so that they could see that I could not walk..etc..etc. It was a major company too, not just a regular person.
I had to pay late fees but because they saw what was going on, and I was always honest, I was able to pay one fee every month instead of all of them together. It took me 4 months to pay everything off but talking made all the difference.
Im going to say that the next time you end up in something like this? Dont be embarrassed to call and talk to them . Always tell them what is going on. They are people too who pay rent and bills. They have sudden medical emergencies and sickness that keep them away from work. Every person on the planet has experienced a money issue of one kind or another.
being embarrassed or unwilling to talk will get you into hot water quickly. They dont know what is going on!.
They dont WANT to have to draw up a new lease, clean out an apartment or start everything all over

so just keep landlords in the loop. Always.