Frankly - I do see what you're saying, but I don't think this explains or proves as fact that nothing in the real world is or can be- whether by design or randomly-equal in length to anything else.
I don't think it can be proved - because just as there may, or as you postulate, will be the slightest deviation in production - there might also, or by your theory, will be, the slightest deviation in measurement. And the only way you could prove it is to have taken the measurements of every object and compared them. Which I KNOW has never been done and by your own admission could not be done without deviation.
And I wasn't talking about human precision (or lack of) in terms of cutting metal - I was thinking of natural growth processes - because that's what we were talking about. I also wasn't talking about probability. Because you stated the definitive.
So again, I'm wondering if there is a postulate or thereom somewhere which would explain your belief that no two people or any other pair of entities in the real world could be equal in size.