Doggy's been sick. So sick. We have had to go into hock to get his two surgeries and vet bill covered. But he was so sick. Biscuit bit him. She can be so sassy sometimes. He will be home Monday - I hope. He had to have his whole left side shaved. It is just so pitiful. He has the cone of shame on....
He is just trying to show her who's boss...every day. She just got sick of it and showed him who was really boss. But I have to say I am a bit peeved with her right now.
I would love to ride on the motorized thingamajiggy.
You do need to see that movie. SO good. I just cried and cried at first - the boys were disturbed by my being so upset at a cartoon. It is SO sweet though. One of my all time favorite movies.
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Sat 29 Oct, 2011 01:48 pm
ehBeth wrote:
happy shiny trike
I like it - but I'd need a more significant luggage rack.
here is the trike, before Smoky ran it over with the chrysler...
it is being morphed with a purple mountain bike now. 5 speed.
If I truly motorize it, I will combine it with a moped, and try to plead my case for street legalness...
When I come visit you, he will make me wear the cone. I just know it...
I gotta go get ready to take smoky to see the crispy kid. and go to the store. I'm outta milk. he's outta cat food. (his ferals are pretty damned spoilt)