Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2014 06:36 pm
I'd like cooking for him! I miss having friends with teenagers - it was always fun to figure out how many pounds of bacon we'd need for breakfast when they were over.

With any luck they'll be grandparents soonish and we can start cooking masses of foods for the grandkids Very Happy
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Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2014 06:40 pm
he's 26, but that's the new 18...

I didn't need him today.

lotsa detail work.

no need for a bull in the china shop...
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Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2014 07:53 pm
I love it when a plan comes together...

got a coupla more solid days to go on the vert, but I have the days.

got one door all reassembled. closes tight with a nice solid sound.(my fingers hurt like hell. damn new seals) and put all of my lights on and fenders tightened up on new beading. the smell of new rubber fills the garage...

Saturday I am working all day at C2. Russian ballet. and I am a deck hand on the show.

then Thursday I am rigging for Alan Jackson at the north venue.

and I still expect a call for the kids theater on Monday...
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Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2014 07:43 pm
got my MTYP call for Monday. late start. One PM. likin' it...

and I talked to the vert's owner. he's not ready until next week. and my parts arrived today. we'll see if the windshield seal is the correct one.

if so, I am on track to be done some time next week.

all is well...
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Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2014 08:37 pm
me and stinky must crash after the royals win.

big day tomorrow...
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Reply Sun 27 Apr, 2014 10:21 pm

I was casually sitting here posting some songs when my phone rang this morning.

my business agent for the union. wanting to know if I was going to show up for the call at 1. (it was 1:05)

I thought it was tomorrow. even wrote it down that way...

I got there in 40 minutes, a new record, and I trailed a state trooper from newton to hartman.

anyways, when I got there, all the doors were locked up tight. again.

and my BA was over on the little stage, covering for my absence...

I convinced a building guy (janitor) to let me in a side door. and sprinted around the building to my spot.

turned out to be a good thing I was on the call.

they built a giant tower. 12 feet tall, 350 pounds.

and designed it to set on a 6 foot tall rolling platform.

never thinking how they were gonna get the damn thing up there...

I did it.

got my rigging rope outta the truck, and used the little stage genie. not gonna say much more, it's best left fuzzy...
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2014 11:16 am
fugly weather today.

mid fiddies with a steady 30 mph west wind.

gonna go tow cars. I'd need an anchor to work on the vert...

I had a pizza with cheese on lunch last night. feel fine today.

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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2014 09:16 pm
Hoping Mismi and family are in their shelter tonight. Three tornadoes currently on the ground in and around Birmingham.
Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2014 09:38 pm
We are good so far. In our safe place and listening to the weather man. A little disconcerting after the mess we had three years ago - but so far so good. Smile Thanks for checking Butrflynet. I will let you all know how the night goes. It is a little crazy right now - but nothing too close to us, thankfully...we have until 3:00AM to make it though.
Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2014 09:46 pm
Am watching it on the weather channel. Looks like quite a messy set of storms on top of you. Please do check in when you can after it passes. Keep safe.

We have freeze warnings tonight here in Albuquerque, two weeks after our average last freeze date. May lose some more tomato plants. Micro burst of wind already yanked two of them out of the ground yesterday.
Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2014 05:14 am
You have to love Spring. Well...at least take the bad with the beautiful.

I am good, Our area is fine. I know others did not fare so well last night - so prayers are going up.

I wish I could take a lump day. My kids at school do NOT like change and will NOT be happy with having to leave early again today. But we have a worse round coming through tonight. This one is supposed to be much more severe.

Deep breath. Straightening my hat and walking on...

Have a good day y'all.

Thanks Butrflynet. Smile
Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2014 12:56 pm
unlike missy's weathrer, ours is mostly non-lethal. just real annoying and bothersome...

running a hot soaky bath. and par boiling some taters.

gonna do breakfast.

then go to town and set up for tomorrow to be productive.

I gotta get moved...
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2014 08:50 pm
I won't actually appreciate how good today was until I rest...

Styx is coming in this week. then Foreigner, and Don Felder.

we are the first stop on their summerlong tour. 51 dates and counting at present.

anyways, they are building it here.

so I arrived to unload a coupla trucks and collect my 4 hours.

we got an extra truck, and the two (awesome) lighting guys from the styx part of the show were here to build the trusses and load them.

I cracked the first truck, and it was like christmas. brand new stuff. all of it...

anywho. long and short of it, I was asked to stay over and double dip for 8 more hours. I assembled brand new components into show form with 6 other guys and the two roadies.

we rocked. and then I took the guys to their hotel. via a drinking establishment.

I haven't had the opportunity to talk the road forever.

a good time was had by all...

gotta crash.
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Reply Sat 3 May, 2014 10:25 am
my phone rang at 10. and then stinky came in to inform me that it rang and was not answered. and that he could see the bottom of his food dish just a little bit.

he decided 12 hours sleep was enough, I suppose...

I hafta go function today anyway.

I scheduled the moving truck. Tuesdayish...

gotta go get the vert done. gonna check on my 5 wheels being sprayed, and get gram some groceries, I think.

and a pizza...
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Reply Sat 3 May, 2014 12:50 pm
had 4 soft boiled eggs.

needed some protein...

pace will be important today.

I have to be good tomorrow for the finale and out on the kid's shrek play.

14 foot tall dragon...

off to town. gonna check on my little redhead. it's about shift change.
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Reply Sat 3 May, 2014 11:26 pm

got 4 wheels all done and painted.

and had an awesome pizza.

gotta crash.

tomorrow is a work day...
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Reply Sun 4 May, 2014 09:26 am
what the hell?

it's already 79 degrees, and it's only 10:30 am.

they are calling for almost 100 today...

Reply Sun 4 May, 2014 10:48 pm
It's only 100 degrees. That's not that hot.
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Reply Mon 5 May, 2014 09:43 pm
rough day...

I woke up wrong and never really got better.

but life goes on.

and I had hired help today.

got the windshield in, the deck lid on, and it is ready to run when I get a battery sorted out.

I took mr vw and Zac to the truck stop for dinner. (mr vw is taking Z back to his house where Z parked his van, so I could just drive back home from Newton)

I made it as far as the airport before I hadda pull off and get sick. at least they don't know, although mr vw may. he was watching me get uncomfortable at the restaurant. hadda drive the rest of the way home with my emergency jacket on...

tomorrow Z and I finish the vert and tomorrow night the truck shows up for us to load and use Wednesday.

by the weekend mebbe I can rest...
Reply Tue 6 May, 2014 10:24 am
I just got the rare cell call out here at the house.

a fortunate accident...

working the O on thursday.

couldn't make out the event, but I got the in time, and that there is a hot breakfast.

I'm all in.

and it will be my first 5 minute drive to work...

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