funny dumb teenager story for to make DP know he's not the only head scratcher out there...
the kid that helps me was with today. I needed another pair of eyes. we were un cluster f*cking a dune buggy. big wiring mess, done all in red. (musta had a sale on red wire...)
I had him watching while I flipped and labeled switches and wires.
anyways, I hadda drill a big fat rivet outta the frame that was holding on a junky old tachometer, and I had him hold a hubcap under it so that all the shavings and trash dint fall down on me where I was working.
as I got done, the slug fell off my bit and into the pan. before I could say no, you don't wanna do that, he did it...
reached right in and picked it up with his thumb and forefinger...
and the look on his face was priceless.
so I busted out laughing.... (my bad)
he went and soaked it in the pond for a while, and I apologized.
but he won't do that again for a while...