we'll see.
first ima relate the adventures of my friend's big iguana. (he has 2) this one is about 3 feet long, with the tail.
it broke out of iguana jail the other day. mr vw was freaked. he has had him a while, and he is purely pet, NOT FOR SALE.
he went to feed him, and he wasn't there. nor in the cockatiel enclosure next door. but...
there was an opening chewed in the corner of the roof.
major freak out.
then sadness.
he was moping around later in the day, all bummed out, and went out to just sit and watch the trees. (he lives in a forest)
he actually saw something move in the big mimosa after about a half hour of where's waldo (his new name, btw)

(said the guy that needs new glasses...)
he hadda get a ladder, get up on the roof of the house, and sneak up down the slope to grab him from behind...
the was a struggle. blood, (his, not the lizard's) but no fallage from rooftop levels.
he climbed back down with the still struggling critter, and put him outside in the old aviary.
now everyone is happy, and Waldo has started doing the cool color matching pattern thing with his skin.
Ima bring him some broccoli today that my beetles have made unfit for me...