Here's a warning from a auto forum site about using the Freeze-12 that you might want to consider. Don't know if they actually know what they're talking about:
Freeze-12 is a blend of 80% R-134a and 20% HCFC-142. You might as well be using 100% R-134a in your system -- at least then it can legally serviced when you have problems.
Originally Posted by botiboi View Post
You have a point, but this blend won't hurt your existing r-12 seals and what not, from what I understand.
The problem is that it does contain R-134a, and therefore will destroy the Viton seals just as plain R-134a will.
It does have the advantage of carrying mineral oil through the system, rather than requiring a R-134a lubricant. But lubricating isn't the primary problem with our compressors, although it is with some other designs. (No regular oils work with R-134a, so they had to come up with new lubricating compounds. They all have chemical compatibility and stability issues, and none come close to lubricating as well as mineral oil. The Behr-Bosch wing-cell doesn't stress the lubricant. The design is balanced, has no axial loads, and has roller thrust bearings and ball bearings supporting the shaft. The only sliding surfaces are the "wings", and they are self-adjusting for wear.)