Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 03:34 pm
I think your keyboard is in need of an exorcism. It seems to have be like a poltergeist, jumpimg from letter to letter..
On a happier note, I am becoming great at decyphering. Wink
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 04:24 pm
I only expect that seriously itelligent people ca understand my jottings.

HM I cleaed out under my N key and the dam,n thing flipped behid the table and before I got it the cat was playing paddy paws with it.
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 05:42 pm
I'm still hunting a donkey. and I might have a line on a Llama...

will Llamas herd goats?
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Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 08:02 pm

( a deep subject)

I am the proud owner of at least two goats. which I will pick up about fiddy miles from here on Sunday.

if he's not sold the rest, it would not surprise me if we work out a deal for the remainder...

I'm getting ready to eat a wally chicken, and then Ima put all of my vegematable plants into pots.

drought is not gonna kick my arse this year...
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 10:04 pm
Albuquerque was ahead of rainfall for this year for about 4 days. We're very far behind now. Tomorrow's temp is supposed to get up to 89.

I think this is going to be a very long, hot, dry summer.

Probably a very good thing that you are mowing down the grass around your place...fire prevention, etc.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 09:37 am
I hope it's mild just like the winter. Smile Of course that's just wishful thinking.

Poking my head in to say hey!

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 10:59 am

(Georgius handed us our asses in a hat last week)

and I wish I hadna called my guy back...

Tom's people showed up to look at the smallness of our venue, and promptly downsized the crew. including yours truly.


I'd almost buy a seat and watch it from the other side, but my finances won't allow that yet.

maybe next time.

at least that clears two days in an already hectic week. it may be a blessing in disguise.

albeit a very painful one...
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 11:09 am
well phooey
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 11:15 am

and I was hoping he was calling with a last minute spot on Joe Bonamassa. so I was twice disappointed...

but I will modify my trailer and go get my goats. maybe even Thursday, as that was a day he had free that I did not...

and I gotta set a post for my gate. and move some fence.

it's not like I'm short on projects at the moment...

I don't think Ima advertize that I am here when everyone thought me to be gone. I get more done that way...

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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 11:35 am
smoky damn near made me cry yesterday.

I got hung up there, and had to stay and talk with him, he is sooooo lonely, and he wants outta there really bad...

he told me he wants me to buy the farm. (not like dying buy the farm, literally to purchase the farm from him)

I told him first, I got no money and he knows that better'n anyone.

and second, I'm not sure I want to own property in the god forsaken stretch of earth that is Kansas. I'm pretty sure I don't...

I told him to not worry so much, and we would make it all work out.

He mostly doesn't want the worthless grandson coming in and trying to take over, I think...

we got lotsa time to figger it out...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 11:41 am

had me a cuppa and some noodles, and the temperature is climbing into the mid eighties today.

gonna go open up the shop and get some **** done...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 12:31 pm

my phone rang (it does that occasionally here just to mess with me...)

it was a nice little girl from the joint smoky was in.

very very nicely accusing me of smuggling smoky coffee.

apparently they think he's aspirating his liquids.

I agreed to stop if she would put me in the loop. (my excuse was that nobody has said BOO to me since the first day when I filled out all the paperwork) she had me listed as a neighbor. we got that fixed right quick.

and discussed his care and prognosis.

she's going to work to let him come home instead of going to assisted living...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:34 pm
Sorry to hear about the TP concert, rock. I hope Smokey gets to come home rather than going into a care home.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:52 pm
thank you.

so do we...

I miss the crusty old buzzard around here. it's not the same without his bitching about things...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:57 pm
Ima lock up and go run errands for a while.

home before dark, still no taillights...

(I know. there must be a mechanic around here somewhere)
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 04:36 pm
I'm about half way through my day. I stopped in at mr vw's for some noodles. (I keep a stash here)

he's off chasing special blue guppies. I'll prolly stop back in as I finish my errands. gotta run over to Butler county now and chat with the guy owns the vert...

mr vw is SO happy with the concrete work on the pond. it has 4 turrets that flow water, and they all flow evenly. (a 4 foot level is a good thing)

fish next week, with a barbeque ceremony...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 07:11 pm


got everything done but for one errand. ran outta daylight.

got a big ol' headache just yet, but Ima eat something and I took a pill.

hope to get a few hours out in the shop yet.

we'll see...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 07:54 pm
the letter between c & e is no more


new keyboard ?
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 08:50 pm
grilling some salmon, and moving a sprinkler around the pond garden. I'll unhook the hose, and go water rosy sharons in a bit. all but one are for sure gonna make it. the jury is still out on the last guy. out of 21, that's not too bad, eh...

not feeling verra motivated. it was cold yesterday, and now it's hot. sposed to be 90 tomorrow. (yes, in April)

maybe food will spark my creative trigger...
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 09:59 pm

Is there anything better than fresh asparagus in the early spring...?

I don't think so, Willis...

my salmon rocks. for all I knock wally, their wild salmon filets are the bomb. $2.50 a meal, and I don't eat like a patsy...

my charcoal costs more than the fish.

anyways, this next week should reallllly be interesting.

I finally talked gram into going to see the doctor. she'll cab over in the early morning, and I will pick her up around ten. depending on how she feels, we might do the fish joint for lunch. but odds are, no. she's been pretty poorly in her tummy lately. (I think it's stress caused by her daughter in law.) we'll see...

later in the week, if she feels like it, she will make her first visit here to the chicken ranch. she's not seen it ever.

and I'm guessing my uncle will come out this weekend. we'd not spoken since the debacle that was my grandfather's funeral.

he's mostly retired now, and verra interested to see what I got shakin' in the shop. he's the one got me started playing with junk cars in the first place.

I think he may wanna come out and play just for fun.

and the home health folks will be calling about smoky and our place. it will need some clean up first. he's a first class pack rat...

holy crap, big thunder that's not forecast. gonna go hang out at the weather site while I finish my fish.
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