the price to be paid for an early spring...
gotta do something with chicken.
because I thawed it last night.
I figured inspiration would come to me, but no.
still not sure what I wanna make.
I'd grill it, but it's firkin stormy out. and wet.
I'll start chopping it and hope something comes to me...
whilst chopping I developed a chinese flair.
we'll see how good it is in the end...
I shoulda been chinese...
verra tasty, and another easy leftover meal to go.
gonna try and crash early tonight.
lots I could do tomorrow if I'm good...
I'm good...
had my noodles for breakfast, and stinky is sleeping in the sunbeam.
gonna go load doors and engine blocks into the trailer.
went to order my chickens, and forgot about farmerman mentioning a minimum...
gotta make at least fiddy bucks today to meet it.
gonna have me 24 females, and a rooster.
the ship date is now out to June...
got a fridge full of junk welding rod, two nissan engines, a 350 chebby trans in.
still gotta load a dryer, and a 700r4 trans.
I'm hoping to weigh about 1200 pounds more when I drive in than I do when I leave...
and I got the mower squared up, smoky wants to mow a little. (it will be very little)
and I broke down the shop stove and put it into storage for the summer (it was in the way to move the old fridge)
stinky is nuzzling me.
he missed me, too...
gotta run, banks close at 5:00 for non clients.
the yard will write me a check...
but I feel a lot like the old me.
put a hold on a 49 chevy pickup at the crusher. they won't scrap it until I get a chance to negotiate with Rodney about it. and I went and looked at a 54 ford coupe. very rough, but good for parts. ywo little gals trying to sell it for scrap, but they got no way to haul it.
Ima try and find a buyer for it. good glass front and rear, and both doors are nice. one rear quarter is wasted, and the top is crunched down. it's not a builder...
and I made enough to order my got dang chickens...
back after I do so.
I can't wait to read chicken stories!!!
I own twenty five youngins that ain't even been conceived yet. to be shipped June 4...
and one mystery exotic chick???
I cain't wait.
gonna get their house all ready for 'em...
no rest for the wicked...
gonna go bring smoky the white bread I picked up for him. (I had robbed some out for my guests last week)
and lug my 5 gallon water bottle in. I was almost out. hot weather has me thirsty...
and then I needa straighten up the shop, and pull the vert back inside before something stupid happens...
congrats. You will be so proud . LAst year when my chickens were in their teens they all escaped and travelled about on a walkabout. I dodnt lose but 1 and that was a damned rooster (of which I had 2 it appeared)
I ordered 2 roosters.
just in case one doesn't make it.
And they got me for a vaccination.
and papers...
slight change of schedule (said with a soft sch. like wish)..
used the last of my daylight to kill off a brush pile whilst I had the trailer hooked up.
Ima need a shower. and some antiseptic. but by damby that's one less brushpile, and it was the most obnoxious. right by the gardens...
anyways, I dropped the trailer over by the other brushpile, west o the chicken ranch. (that's what we're calling it, BTW)
now I'll go move the vert in in the dark. I can see good enough to push it inside still.
Ima sleep like a baby tonight, I promise...
what do you think of a troll that only gets worse.
you'll be banned by sunrise, charlie brown...
I'll be back within the hour. TROLL
I don't think so, Willis...
go away and let the grown ups talk now.
nothing personal but a trolls gotta do what a trolls got to do.
it's better to burn out than to fade away...
and once you're gone you can't come back, when you're outta the blue, and into the black...
g'nite turd.