Random thoughts from the moose cave.

Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 09:07 pm
bubba is the happiest kitty in kansas tonight...

I'm on the edge of wonkdom, but got stuff has to get finished. Nissan motor removal for starters.

when that doesn't live in my shop (hopefully tomorrow) I can start on the 4x4.

s'posed to be less cold tomorrow.

smoky's oven died in the midst of my cornbread. trying to finish it off in my little oven. (at least the beans were done. can't use both at the same time)

I feel much like a worn out old lab rat. and I swear somebody keeps moving the damn cheese...
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 09:44 pm
Just been catching up.. I know that the nasty weather is a direct result from the weather up here. It on the way out though, so things are looking up, or at least warmer.
On the health front, I'm pulling for you and perhaps the winds of change will bring happier tidings, at the very least I'm crossing my fingers for you.
Hopefully, that winter wood pile will last longer and you won't need to chop another tree for a while.
Give Stinky and the other one a wee pat. Those little guys can sure be a light in the darkness and give so much needed love. Keep well, my friend, keep well.
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 10:06 pm
thanks ceili.

I probably talk too much about my troubles here...

that was never really my intent, it just seems that mostly that is what my life consists of just now.

but it causes folks not to know what to say. so nobody says anything.

except me whinging some more...

I have plenty of downed wood, it just has to be cut to length, and then I gotta go borrow the splitter. we have rain in the forecast (not snow mind you) so Ima get a pile together and tarp it until I can get it processed.

If I do one more big round of cutting, I might just make that the last one for the season. I have a lot of green wood that will make next year a bit easier, should I still be here then...
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 10:36 pm
but it causes folks not to know what to say. so nobody says anything.

That's not true at all. Lots of folks look for you and check on you. The best we can anyway. Sheesh - you'd think we were chopped liver or something. Wink

Sorry you've been wonky. Hoping you feel better - stay warm - though it sounds hard to.
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 10:40 pm
mismi wrote:
Lots of folks look for you and check on you. The best we can anyway. Sheesh - you'd think we were chopped liver or something. Wink

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we're checking in - keeping an eyeball on the lad
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 10:42 pm
Rockhead wrote:

smoky's oven died in the midst of my cornbread. trying to finish it off in my little oven. (at least the beans were done. can't use both at the same time)

there's a lot of 'stuff' giving up. I have three real-life friends whose furnaces and at least one major appliance have died at the same time in the past week. Bizarre.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 10:50 pm
chopped liver makes me thinka Boida...

so let's not be disparaging her favorite food...

and you got a feather for a reason. treacherous though you may be.

Smoky liked my frijoles well enough to request some to take to the crispy kid tomorrow. I think Ima let him go by hisself, and stay to try and make some money. it's sposed to be in the fiddies tomorrow.

and Ima get to cutting some more wood, just in case.

I hate to be without a weeks worth, just in case everything goes wonky for a spell.

but enough aboot wonkiness. Ima go pull out a dead nissan motor so I can have my shop back...

and eat a coconut popsicle, I'm hot. (I sweat like a pig when I eat now)
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 12:58 am

it's amazing what I can get done when I feel like the rest of you do. got the motor ready to pop. I think since I am in a pain free zone and it's Saturday night, Ima go ahead and yank it.

I can leave smoky's beans on his porch for if he wants to leave before I am human tomorrow.

gotta use these windows when they open...

bubba keeps creeping up on my chest and nuzzling my chin when I am working underneath. as sweet and cute as that is, we're gonna hafta quash it. bad habits can't be encouraged, and usually I don't want her help down there...

and she might get squished. I work better alone.

she's just dancing and purring and having a kitty party out there. I feel real badly that she has been without a fire all week.

one day at a time...
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 01:38 am
change of plans.

somebody hit a skunk out on the road.


can't work with the smell in the air...

got the picker lined up. all I gotta do tomorrow is place my chain and pull it out.

easy peasy lemon squeezy...

got my kindling and some logs inside. gonna work on my sty for a few and call it a night.

my sonar is pinging like crazy, but I hope tomorrow is a calm and peaceful day over the hills and far far far away...

Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 09:56 am
I am glad Beth emphasized what I said. Smile Well...if Boida likes chopped liver then I am sure it is delicious.

Maybe I should have said "dead skunk"

That reminds me of a song. Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road

Totally cracks me up.

Glad you are feeling better. Makes my heart even happier.
I love Bubba. She sounds like a gem of a kitty.
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 12:49 pm
cheers to the moose!
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:19 pm
Chopped liver is not my favorite food. But I make a pretty good batch of it.

I don't know why RH says that nobody says anything. Maybe the dead skunk has affected his perception.

This city kid got the whiff of skunk a couple of times. (Summers in the country.) Blech.

Enjoy the felines.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:24 pm
This city kid got the whiff of skunk

A whiff of skunk is not a bad thing at all, Roberta. Skunks never use whiffs as protection.
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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 03:35 pm
admittedly, my perspective is a bit skewed.

my apologies to anyone feeling slighted. not my intention.

so far, this year is not being very kind to us.

hoping for a change anytime it feels like showing up...

gonna have some tea and see if I can justify opening up the shop.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 08:15 pm
pooh. No one is feeling slighted. It's pretty obvious we're in your corner dude.

Hope you enjoyed your cup o' tea.

Things is going to get pretty yucky here tonight. I am going to set the alarm for 2:30 AM to watch for the storms. Supposed to be pretty bad and I may have to be getting three little boys and a man child out of the bed and to the basement. Hate it when they happen in the middle of the night.

Take care of you.
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 08:19 pm
we're just windy and cold here...

can you guys just sleep in the basement? or it's like a concrete dungeon...?

or dirt root cellar?

or cold drippy wet wine cellar?

be careful...
Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 08:22 pm
the way it's looking now, I'll be up at that hour.

gimme a ping to know you aren't blowed away...

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Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2012 12:56 am
decided that as long as I'm not dizzy to the point of falling down, and I have pain pills, I needa work in the shop every night. at least for a while.

or Ima be so far in the hole it won't matter if I get better...

got the motor outta the Nissan. and got most of the pieces off'n it so's we can send it back to the idjits what built it. hopefully they do a better job this time. I still hafta buy a coupla good nuts to use for pulling out all the exhaust and intake manifold studs. they send it bare as can be. no hardware. means a coupla extra hours for me coming and going to save them $20...

I'll sweep and get it ready to build onto a pallet, and by tomorrow night I should have my next victim stuffed inside where I can heat it.

Bubba was verra affectionate tonight. she kept trying to crawl inside my coat and snuggle while I worked. cute, but a pain in the ass. she's so sweet and luvable, it's hard to stay cross with her.

my shop kitty, she is...

worried aboot missy.

and the other lady as well...
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Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2012 08:06 am
Ooof. We are fine. I am SOOOO sleepy. Feel a little cruddy myself this morning. My area is fine, but north of us got hit really badly. Again. So sad.

Oh our basement is not sleepable. I am working on it but it's really more like a garage. My Daddy's going to come up in a few weeks and set up studs in part of it so I can close it off from the rest. I can get the sheet rock up and float it - I just can't set up the dang studs. Then when nights like last night happen, we can sleep down there. Much better.

Have a good day! Very Happy
Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2012 02:39 pm
I didn't nap. I was going to. But then I got busy and caught my second wind. I am pretty sure I am going to hit the skids around 7:00pm - if not sooner. I am pretty pitiful when I don't get enough sleep - well okay - not pitiful -

bitchy. Heaven forbid.

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