Thu 25 Feb, 2010 08:09 am
Those who are old enough to understand my quote, will "get it". For the youngsters, it doesn't matter.
Anyhow, last Thursday, Mr. P. decided to change a blown out overhead flourescent light bulb, while I was out of the house. The reason that I mention me, is because he used the stupid Costco stepstool himself, instead waiting for me to hold him.
The stepstool gave way, and he fell on the tile floor. He hurt his back and his hand. When I came back, I wanted to take him to the ER, but of course, he refused.
The next day, he was hurting more, and finally, after it got dark, he agreed to go to the hospital. I was in the car, waiting for him to come in, when I hear a cry. Apparently, one of the small sprinklers had gotten stuck in an "up" position, and he tripped on it, and fell on his knee.
The knee WAS broken. The next day, we went to an orthopedist, who put him in a cast . This cast is from his groin to his ankle. Just imagine the ramifications of being in that position, and you will understand the problem. I am eternally grateful that we don't own a Volkswagen.
It was lots of fun for both of us when he had to get in and out of the car.
Anyhow, at first the doc thought that the knee could knit together just by casting, but when he took an X-Ray when the cast was on, the doc realized that he needed surgery.
Anyhow yesterday was the day. I am totally exhausted. Mr. P. is in a private room, and I wanted to stay with him, but I just needed one good night's sleep, so I went home.
I think that many of you know what happens to a spouse when he/she prides his/her independence above all, and is put in a position of abject dependence.
Anyhow, I have vented, and feel a little better. I am on my way to the hospital. Thanks for listening.
Oh, no! I'm sorry this is happening.
He's in the best possible place, and it gives you a chance to get a little rest yourself right now. I take it you'll have some nursing help when he's released, yes? I do hope so -- at least in the beginning I'm sure he'll need a lot of help even doing basic stuff.
He should get a hammock, kick back, and enjoy the life of Riley . . .
Quote:I think that many of you know what happens to a spouse when he/she prides his/her independence above all, and is put in a position of abject dependence.
NO, actually I have no idea.
Take what rest you can while he's in the hospital.
He who cherishes his independence often makes an impatient patient.
Ooof, sorry Phoenix. What sort of recovery time are you looking at?
can he "take care of himself " on the john?
Yup, a revoltin' development.
Sorry to hear this, Phoenix. Exhausting for you; painful and exhausting for him. And distressing for both of you.
I hope you'll be able to manage when he gets home. I suspect that the cast is heavy. I suspect also that your husband is bigger than you. This is gonna be a challenge.
Hoping for a relativley speedy end to this.
((((((((((((((((((((((((The Phoenixii))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mrs Chum is the same way, no matter what trouble she might get herself into she'll most often say "I'm saving my favors". I hope your hubby heals well.
Phoenix32890 wrote:
This cast is from his groin to his ankle. Just imagine the ramifications of being in that position, and you will understand the problem. I am eternally grateful that we don't own a Volkswagen.
Echoing farmer.
If I had a cast on from groin to ankle, getting in and out of a vehicle wouldn't be my biggest problem.
Oof, Phoenix - what a problem!
Hoping for a speedy recovery. Am hoping you can get some home help for him when he does come home. Wondering if there will be an intermediate period at a convalescent facility..

A revoltin development indeed.
OOOOh... so sorry Phoenix - nasty injury for MrP and you are gonna be exhausted too running around... sending lots of healing wishes - vent away girl - you're gonna have a tough stretch in front of you. Hope MrP will be a good patient. ack.
YOU take care hun. x
Edgar- I love your comic book.
Anyway, I stayed with Mr. P. last night, and we came home late this afternoon. He is in quite a lot of pain. That is the biggest problem. The doctor only wants him to put 30 lbs. on the operated leg. Can anyone figure what exactly would constitute 30 lbs.?
We were given the choice of inpatient rehab, but don't really see the sense in it. Mr. P. is most comfortable in his own place. He had been using a walker for about a week, so he will be able to cope. We are going to have a physical therapist come to the house.
I am completely discombobulated. He had a private room, so last night I slept in a lounge chair in his room. Even though I was not the patient, it was really upsetting to be awakened by one nurse or another just about the time that you got your much needed sleep.
Is Mr. P. home? How's it going?
Phoenix, I'm sorry to hear this. I think that a lack of coherency in someone who's normally coherent can be extremely frightening and only adds to the overall distress you're experiencing.
I hope you both manage to get some rest. Actually real sleep will do the both of you a world of good. Don't know how possible that is, though.
I'm thinkin' of ya, kid. And hoping things will improve with the passage of not too much time.
Gotta throw in an oy. Oy.
How are things going, Phoenix? Has anything improved? Are you and/or the mister getting any rest?