msolga wrote:
Goodness me! I think this may be the most amazing painting I ever seen!
Could some explain it to me, please? I see quite a few US presidents ... army folk, etc.
But why are those sheets of paper on the steps & why is the guy up the front crying?
I hope you will read this msolga. It will also help you understand American politics.
The artist , Mc Naughtonart , Is a Mormon. In western New York in the 1820'2 A man named Joseph Smith, Jr. claimed an angel named Moroni had told him where some golden plates engraved with a chronicle of ancient American peoples were buried, which he had a unique gift to translate, with t he help of some magic glasses. These golden plates became The Book Of Mormon
The book of Mormon is the last book of the holy bible and places mecca in America ( in missouri I think, Could be Salt lake Utah) according to Mormons the Jews and muslims are gentiles. Let me be clear;
Joseph Smith is the prophet just like mohamed and Jesus only born in Amerca and wrote the last book of the bible making America the holy land of the holy people
Mc Naughtonart like all good Mormons feel America is the only truley divine country in the world and we have to save the Muslim, the jew, the fag, the pagan and anyone else from hell by any means possible.
The painting is steeped in contradition including the for fathers clear veiws on seperation of church and state, the fact that almost every single one was a deist not a christian and that most American wars are documented for the purpose of imperialism and profit or to control resourses and political power of another country that isn't ours.
Thomas Paine is in the painting for christ sake!