I found the contention about beef rather unusual, as well. When i was in Korea and Japan over 30 years ago, they'd have eaten beef, could they have afforded it. They ate it when ever they could--but in both countries, arable land is at a premium, so the only cattle raised were feed-lot cattle, and the beef was very, very expensive.
They ate it nonetheless, if they could.
Wilso wrote:
I also heard someone mention once that most of the milk and beef in Japan has a fishy taste, because they feed the cows fishmeal.
I did not experience that in Japan. I liked the milk there (which I can't say of many nations). Since I can't stand seafood I'd have noticed.
I thought it was sheepflesh that caused us to stink to many noses?
I no longer eat sheep - and I find the meat unbearably rank - and I can smell it on myself if I eat it by politeness (eg dinner where it would be rude to refuse>)
Ya know, eating sheep merely improves your olfactory senses, you always smell like that. ;-)
I like mutton, and am sad because you can't get it here any longer. Of course, you can eat a can of Campbell's Scotch Broth, which contains mutton, is horribly expensive for a simple can of soup, and is a product of Canadia.
We did when i was a child. I always thought it odd that people complained of the strong taste, because we lived in a small, rural community, and those same people ate various forms of wild game with relish--deer, squirrel, possum . . . each to his own, said the old lady as she kissed the cow . . .
No lambies roasted for moi. LAMB tastes way rank to me, nemmind mutton.
My sheep station rellies used to eat mutton - said lamb was tasteless. I was a sheep eater at the time - I think I found it toughish, but ok otherwise.
I cannot eat anything gamey.....ewwwwwww......to each their own....
Once when i was visiting the Tony Pony Farm, a quasi-hippy commune (Tony Pony was mean old bastard, he'd bite anyone given the opportunity), i was walking through the fields with a young guy who had gotten out of the Marines after six years, and two tours in Nam. We were walking along a fence line, and a farmer's cattle were grazing in the next field. We approached a cow ruminating by the fence, and he turned to me and asked, rhetorically, "How can anyone kill and eat such a creature--just look at those kind gentle eyes!" I stared into the vacuous, clueless eyes of that creature and thought (but didn't say), How? Sixteen pound sledge is the preferred method--quick, no mess, cow doesn't feel a thing.
Craven de Kere - you have never smelt me!
which is your loss, I may add.....grrrrrrrrr......
Why? Are the rumours true that the scent, though toxic, gives a buzz?
Wilso wrote:Considering the cost of a steak meal in Japan, I'm not surprised that they don't eat much beef.
True, Japanese Kobe beef is the most expensive beef in the world (Kobe cattle are fed beer, given daily massages & listen to classical music), but beef isn't normally disproportionately expensive in Japan anymore. Beef bowls like this pic are some of the cheapest fast food you can get.
Wilso wrote:I also heard someone mention once that most of the milk and beef in Japan has a fishy taste, because they feed the cows fishmeal.
Um, that's the first time I've heard anything like that from anyone.
It's good to get positive confirmation on the fishy milk, Monger.
In Brazil on a farm I lived on the cow's milk tasted like fruit because the cow was always going through the garbage and eating bannanas and papayas. So I know the food could do that in theory. But I remember Japanese milk as being very similar to American milk.
Turkey has much tryptophan, which makes you tired, so the Thanksgiving 'tired after eating' is not neccessarily related to eating too much. How it smells, I have no idea.
I happen to like lamb, but it truly depends on where it comes from. Like any animal, the flavour depends on the diet.
Quote: (Kobe cattle are fed beer, given daily massages & listen to classical music),
I volunteer to be a short, bipedal Kobe bull!
Craven de Kere wrote:Why? Are the rumours true that the scent, though toxic, gives a buzz?
'Tain't toxic - but I HAVE heard it gives a buzz...........
Hmmm - I had a bit of beef the other day - and I can smell myself a bit.
This HAS to mean that I smell to non-chicken and fish-eaters.....although, by rights, I should smell most of all like a fruit or vegetable!
I am not sure that smelling like a chicken, or a fish, is all that desirable....
Your run-in with the women is unfortunate ablution in islam requires Tabari II:99 “Abraham was tested with ten Islamic practices: rinsing the mouth, cleansing nostrils with water, trimming the mustache, using a toothstick, plucking the armpit, paring nails, washing finger joints, circumcision, shaving pubic hair, and washing the rear and vulva.”.
The fabric of her garb was probably irradiated with her stench. You can’t blame her
"And Allaah created you all and whatever you do."[10]
"It was not you who threw, when you threw, but it was Allaah who threw."[11]
She is a women and…
Muslim:B1N142 “‘O womenfolk, you should ask for forgiveness for I saw you in bulk amongst the dwellers of Hell.’ A wise lady said: Why is it, Allah’s Apostle, that women comprise the bulk of the inhabitants of Hell? The Prophet observed: ‘You curse too much and are ungrateful to your spouses. You lack common sense, fail in religion and rob the wisdom of the wise.’ Upon this the woman remarked: What is wrong with our common sense? The Prophet replied, ‘Your lack of common sense can be determined from the fact that the evidence of two women is equal to one man. That is a proof.’”
Bukhari:V4B52N143/V5B59N523 “When we reached Khaybar, Muhammad said that Allah had enabled him to conquer them. It was then that the beauty of Safiyah was described to him. Her husband had been killed, so Allah’s Apostle selected her for himself. He took her along with him till we reached a place called Sad where her menses were over and he took her for his wife, consummating his marriage to her, and forcing her to wear the veil.’”
[EDIT: Moderator: Do not post your links]