I'd seen commercials for that show, but was never able to bring myself to watch it.
I know how dangerous being a deep sea fisherman is. One of my favorite people in my childhood, a man I wished could have been my father, died by drowning when his boat sank. He was all alone. Gus Mazoky was his name.
Adding in the frigid waters in Alaska, the winds and storms, the thought of it grips my stomach and chest. I really don't like the ocean.
A friend of my brother was out in the ocean in his speed boat, he hit a wave, and he came down on the console, breaking his jaw and knocking him out. The boat was headed out to sea, but when he came down he turned the wheel enough so that he was going in circles. Someone in another vessel saw what looked like an empty boat, going really fast, in a big curve. Bobby always went fast.
So he was saved.
Sympathies to Phil's family.