The product you mention is primarily derived from prickly pear, a cactus.
Like many hebal therapies it just depends. It depends on you, your environment and your general health. You do not state what you are trying to treat.
Some pricky pear extracts are produced in china, so who knows what could be contained in those.
some Qand A about prickly pear
this artical from 2003 states:
Capsules containing dried prickly pear cactus are a popular item on both sides of the border and are used to treat diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity (Aguilar,
2001). Although nopal capsules are known to lower serum cholesterol levels both in humans and animals, they may not be efficient in the treatment of diabetes as , theoretically, the active ingredients are possibly lost upon heating and drying or processing (Lozoya, 1999).