Quote:I'll find out if it's a twitter like application or just a popularity contest. So far it's too soon to say what exactly following entails.
Well I actually did go to my profile & check out who I was "following" & who was "following" me.
Interestingly (without having made any "following"
choices myself, if such choices are actually possible. I don't know) ... I discovered that I was following just one person, the bunny. The wabbit is clearly the person I
most constantly respond to. (Which isn't surprising, because Deb's threads always interest me & I respond to them often.)
I also regularly respond to a wide variety of different A2Kers, probably far too many to make me a "follower" of any
particular individuals.
What can't be recorded at all , though, are a smallish number of A2Kers whose threads & postings I
always make a point of following & reading (out of interest & for information) , but respond to only from time to time, when I have something I really want to add to their discussions.
So, at first glance, this is not about a "popularity contest" at all.