Early clicks today. Here are two quotes I found last night as I was attempting to find out which American Co. is partnering with a Russian airline manufacturer to sell inflight tankers to the United States Air Force.
First quote in a row =
"In 2003 President Bush came to England for a state visit. He seemed to enjoy being here. He told me that driving on the left side of the road reminded him of his drinking days." Tony Blair
Second quote =
"During his visit to India, we took President Bush to a ceremonial meditation session. When the Guru told the President to empty his mind, Andy Card muttered, "He's way ahead of you."" Abdul Kalan, President of India
Oh, I have to do a Third quote =
To: G. W. Bush
Re. Niger
"Sir, I urge you to practice saying (Niger) a few more times before the speech. A mispronunciation like the one you made yesterday in the Oval Office would be catastrophic." Karl Rove
And, the last is one I actually heard Bush say on Nat'l TV --- Remember when we were referring to French Fries as "Freedom Fries? President Bush on Nat'l TV said, "The French don't have a word for entrepreneur"