JPB, you must be adored on Christmas morn...great presents.
An industrial sized electric truffle-slicer:
OK, I have to say something.
With 241 posts, obviously a bunch of you have had a lot of fun with this thread. Great! That is why I started it!
However, several regular posters have told me privately that they are not participating for fear of leaving someone out. This really bothers me. It has turned a simple idea into some kind of social obligation. That just takes all the fun out of it. Besides, who has time for that?!
I saw something while Christmas shopping that made me think of a particular person on A2K. So I posted it, with an invitation to others to post images of things they've seen that remind them of certain posters. That's all.
This is NOT the "Post a Virtual Present for Everyone on A2K" thread. If someone wants to start one of those, fine. But it doesn't sound like much fun to me, and although (with a few exceptions) I love all of you dearly, I just don't have that much time. So I'll pass.
Further, I most certainly will not be offended if someone does not post an image that reminds them of me.
And lastly, I will NOT be sending thank-you notes. (See above comment about time.)
Merry Christmas!
For Farmerman
now, just have to find the perfect frame for it...
For Alex,
jars for his pickling seasons...
<i love this thread
Quote:<i love this thread Very Happy>
I know... if I had nearly as much fun doing real shopping as I've had doing virtual shopping, my family would actually have some Christmas presents bought and wrapped.
hmmmmm.... manana, perhaps. If not, then perhaps the day after that.
Eva, sorry you've gotten some heat/slack/flack/whateveritisyougot. It's a great thread.
That comment threw me for a loop. I feel guilty on continuing with the thread now.
ha MzOlga, you made me laugh so big there..... I can see "indignant with cheeky smile"
love it.
so........ only 80000 and a few to go
this is such a happy thread - I see something perfect for Tsar today... perfect, I almost got it but it was quite heavy and wouldn't mail well....
will try and find it online - he'd love it!
ha... we crossposted.... guilt... nah... gonna look online for you for a present I saw in one of the bigger stores....
We have that Venus magnet set. We were walking in a museum in Paris, turned a corner and saw this life size painting of a nude Venus that looked strangely familiar. Then we realized that it was our magnet!
Seriously, Eva (& anyone else who was offended) there really was no intention to offend. I'm genuinely sorry if you have taken things in this way.
For Tsar
OK.... so it was similar to this..... but it was MOVIE facts.... but, as this will be perfect too.... day at a time, turn the page, learn another new bit of history, your passion
I absolutely love it! Thanks
I love this thread...some absolutely smashing gift-givers here.
No, no, I haven't taken any heat. None at all. I just hate the fact that a few people have found a way to make this simple little lighthearted thread...guilt-inducing! It's beyond me, really it is.
By all means, carry on! It makes me very happy to see you guys having fun with this!