Sun 19 Oct, 2003 11:10 am
Once upon a time I painted my entire living room black with a combination of navy blue and aqua blue trim. There's no doubt that it looks cool, but the lease on my apartment is running up and pretty soon I'll have to undertake the task of transforming the whole place back to plain white.
Any tips on making that white paint stay white once I apply it to the black wall? I heard primer works well for this, but that's only what I've been told. Any help would be appreciated, because it sure beats painting twenty layers.
You will surely NEED primer to cover a black wall. You may actually need 2 or 3 coats on black, but I'm not absolutely sure about that. You'll know once you put it on. Do not attempt to try and paint a black wall with white paint without first using primer. When you do finally get to the white paint, I'd make sure to get 100% latex so you wont need as much pain. It costs more, but you'll be glad you did. I don't think I ever saw a black wall. I bet you've got some black lights in there too.
Hey, good luck and welcome to A2K :-D
I doubt you'd need twenty layers, but I'd expect that two coats of a really good (read expensive) primer will be needed. Be sure and follow the directions for drying time so it covers correctly.
A good primer/sealer certainly should do it for you..Ive used Kilz for great stain coverage before-they probably have a primer suited for your needs also.