InfraBlue wrote:
What's dumbfounding about this discussion is the support expressed by otherwise enlightened people for the continued existence of Israel as an ethnocentric state that concerns itself with the maintanance of a demographic majority of one ethnic group, "Jews," at the expense of the rights of another ethnic group, the Palestinians.
For Israel to exist as "the Jewish state" it must necessarily discriminate against and oppress the Palestinian peoples, systematically discriminating against those in Israel and denying rights granted by international law to the refugees, and yet the people here who call for some sort of justice in this conflict between the Zionists and the Palestinians, and invoke the ideas of "democracy" and even morality support the continued existence of this repressive state. What gives?
You are perceiving Israel, in my opinion, through the eyes/mind of an American, since America is a diverse land of many peoples. From its inception, Israel was a place to "put" the Jews, since Europe has an intractable mental illness called "anti-Semitism."
So, if western countries were going to show its civilized manner, even though it collectively "yawned," in my opinion, when the killing of the Holocaust was found out, it (western countries) realized that Jews require a safe haven away from Gentiles for purposes of living peacefully. Notice that did not happen, since as I said, anti-Semitism is an intractable mental illness.
In effect, due to the tribal instincts of man, Jews cannot go by the rule of a diverse homeland. By the way, notice how many potential homelands Catholics have, or Protestants have. They may not be called homelands, but there is more than one country where a Catholic or Protestant can live in peace with the rest of the country.