Actually the swastika was a sanskrit symbol of peace and good fortune. Shame what happened to the symbol during the 30's and 40's. Now Bill wants to rehabilitate all similar symbols associated with hate and racism.
I dont have the time or the interest cause theyre only symbols and we can just as easily avoid using them. Bill's "liberatrian" views aside, if a third of AMericans think the Confederate battle flag/Navy JAck (which was NOT the CSA symbology "national" flag) is a symbol of evil, it IS a symbol of evil. Youre not showing us that youre a free thinking intellectual giant here. Youre just some kind of denier of fact.
As far as flying it, noone has any right to interfere, except in the market of public opinion. If I were so inclined, theres nothing to stop me from hanging a complementary sign across from Edgars neighbors (had I lived there) which said
Even though its a constitutional guarantee s a right, Id be inviting personal attacks from the redneck contingent.
As far as your analogies to civil war reenactors, youre still precious , even though the analogy is irrelevant and silly.