OutOfNoWhere wrote:
people have to stop thinking that one thing is supposed to be for one thing.... "trick-or-treating = little kids" that's being as discriminate as saying oh you aren't really catholic cuz u converted.... or you can't trick-or-treat cuz you grew up.... your an adult for 364-365 days a year... live a little have some fun
How does that answer my question?
Unforntunately, none of us can tell people what they "have" to do or stop start thinking.
Answer the question directly.
What is it that you want people to do when you show up at their door?
What are they supposed to say?
Are people who are 30, 40, 50, 60, according to you, supposed to be wandering the streets wearing costumes and knocking on doors?
Live a little? Have some fun?
Isn't that imposing your personal belief that everyone should enjoy the same things you do?
Are you not for the self expression of people who do not think as you do?
Me? I think walking around my neighborhood and schlepping from door to door would be boring as hell.
I'd be knocking on doors of people I communicate, play, work side by side on what I consider neighborhood enhancements (like home maintenance, gardening, raising good kids, etc...all of which I should say, are fun to me) on a day to day basis. BTW, I'm not a parent, but I do firmly feel I have a part to play in the raising of the neighborhood kids.
I don't believe you are able to answer my questions, because you can't think beyond this simplistic idea that 19 or 20 year old should be out trick or treating.
Which is, I supposed what I would expect of someone 12 years old, and where you seem to be stuck.
Either you're not that discerning, or you're a troll.