roger wrote:
Disagree. If the clothes look like the clothes, there isn't a problem. It's up to you to decide if the clothes will make you look like the model. Suppose they were shown being worn by a mannikin. Would you expect to put them on and look like a department store mannikin?
I would expect them to be displayed on a mannikin, or a human model, whose form is somehow humanly possible. It would help if the mannikin/model was of the approximate proportions of a post menarch female.
If you saw a car in an ad in which the front door were caved in by photoshop to the point where a human could not sit in the front seat, would you say it's up to the consumer to decide if they would be able to fit inside the car?
The vast majority of people know they are not going to look like the model wearing the clothes, and they really don't want to. We aren't deluded that somehow our legs are going to grow a foot, or wearing the top is going to make our hair shiny and blowing in the breeze. Most people have a pretty accurate idea of what shape their body is, or are at least aware their hips are wider than their heads.
The 2 photos shown make me absolutely not want to go out and buy those pants, based on the appearance of the model, because they look silly, stupid and rediculous in the picture.
I mean, really.....stand back a foot or 2 and look at those pictures. They look like people looking in a fun house mirror.
Take a car and put it in front of a fun house mirror, and see if people will want to envision themselves driving it.
The model or mannikin is the frame of the car. Why not just have a pile of hoods, doors and tires propped up against rocks, and let the customer decide if that car is for them?
eoe - I so totally agree with you.
People who work in the fashion industry, and advertising in general, are totally out of touch with what people really want.
The average intelligent person looks at what advertisers make up, knowing they are full of ****, and have the common sense to move things around in their minds to figure out if that's something that is for them, or would fit them.
I had wondered that too, if it was all an inside joke, wondering how far they could take it before people noticed.
eoe - have you ever read the book "Dry"? It's by Augustin Burroughs of "Running with Scissors" fame. It's a continuation of his memoir that began with Rw/S.
He was in advertising, in the big time. He described how he and his fellow ad men and woman would have a campaign to work on, and would spend 90% of their time farting around, taking 3 hour lunches, for him, drinking, etc. Then, at the 11th hour, they would pull some idea out of their butt, slap in together, and appear the next morning, put on an act of appearing exhausted and drawn to their Japanese/Greek/Italian clients, to cries of Bellisimo! Genius!
As I read it I thought "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!!"