A rercent news article stated that half of the babies born today will live to be 100. It was also suggested a projected life expectancy of 167 for later generations.
see, we can shoot you right now, youre all used up.
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Fri 2 Oct, 2009 09:39 am
Sglass wrote:
A rercent news article stated that half of the babies born today will live to be 100. It was also suggested a projected life expectancy of 167 for later generations.
Do you want to live to be a hundred? If so why?
I'd like to live forever. The Universe is a big place baby...
Reminds me of a convo had between a few of my relatives and myself. My uncle - who I respect very much - said with deadpan seriousness about living that long:
"Too many outlive their usefulness. Won't be me. You have my permission to off me if it comes to that. Hell, I'll do it myself!"
Oooohkay. He wasn't even kidding. He's got some strong feelings about welfare and indian affairs too. lol.
Well I joked that if it really was about outliving your usefulness - there would be a lot of young people on the chopping block too. Not so much to do with age.