Quote:On a somewhat related topic but mainly pertaining to contrex's question, how are skid marks caused? I've heard the phrase but never seen them and just wonder how the hell they occur.
As far as I understand it Mame, although I am not an expert, skid marks are caused when the removal of the **** that remains clinging to the surfaces of the rectal sphincter, after defacation, with some object: toilet paper, the curtains, the finger, a goose's neck, for example: although those don't exhaust the range of possibilities, is incomplete, due either to carelessness or the **** being of a particularly stubborn consistency, and the subject proceeds to rearrange their clothing in the proper manner and goes on to engage in activities which cause the trollies, in the case of ladies of good breeding, or the underpants, in the case of gentlemen, to ingress into the crease of the buttocks, such as riding a bicycle with a narrow seat, sitting down for long periods or scratching the zone through the material of their outer garments. Most, though sadly not all, of the residual **** which the subject has failed to remove in the cubicle or dunny shed is then transferred to the gusset of the intimate garments from where it can be relocated into the drains via the washing machine along with any bed mites in the monogrammed pillowcases or stains on the shirts and blouses.
They are sometimes also known as "russet gussets", "pebble dashing of the undercrackers" and "turtle's brylcreem".
They are often much reduced in intensity in those persons who have hairy surroundings to their rectal orifice because "muck tags" are then produced which contain the bulk of the material. These, which are also known as dingle-berries, can, when nearly dried out, be pulled off at leisure and under certain circumstances flicked at people like Muarck.