Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 05:05 am
The American plans to build anti-missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic are almost certain to be abandoned, ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ found out from sources in Washington.

"Poland Without a Shield" reads today's main headline in Poland's biggest daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza. Of course, the somewhat unsettling text is referring to the planned missile shield that was to be installed in the country as part of a larger American missile defence system, with parts also located in the Czech Republic. However, now the newspaper reports that its sources in Washington have determined that the abandonment of the missile defence plans is "practically a foregone conclusion".

Riki Ellison, a lobbyist with the Initiative for Missile Defence in Washington, D.C., told Gazeta Wyborcza: "The signals sent by generals from the Pentagon are absolutely clear: the current U.S. government is searching for other solutions in the case of anti-missile defence than bases in Poland and the Czech Republic."

What this will mean for the two countries is still uncertain, as no concrete statements have come from the Obama Administration concerning these claims. However, alternatives to the planned shield include bases in Israel or Turkey, or a possible mobile anti-missile system proposed last week by Boeing.

(English text via Krakow Post
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 06:38 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Locally, is this program considered vital to Polish and Czech defense or just a foreign investment program? I'm traveling to Poland in a couple of weeks, so maybe I can find out for myself.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 08:46 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Did I miss your own comment on this post? I wonder what your position on this post is. Just educating others with information, but not advising what the import of that information may be, can be useful in a real classroom setting; however, on a forum it makes one wonder what was the point of the post. In other words, even from the viewpoint of just one German, was this good news, or bad news?
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 08:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I'm impressed. I didn't think Obama had the balls to cancel this enormous boondoggle.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 09:32 am
Foofie wrote:

Did I miss your own comment on this post? I wonder what your position on this post is. Just educating others with information, but not advising what the import of that information may be, can be useful in a real classroom setting; however, on a forum it makes one wonder what was the point of the post. In other words, even from the viewpoint of just one German, was this good news, or bad news?

Did I miss where I asked you to question my thread in the "Internatiol News" section?

My own opinion can be called biased since I lived all my youth within miles from some US nuclear missile camps (though in the 'British Zone').

Besides that, you often enough told me and others that you give a **** about what I or any other German thinks.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 10:12 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Good answer to a smart assed post.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 10:15 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Nevertheless it would be very interesting to know what different ppl, Germans, Poles and Czechs think about the subject. Interesting at least for me...
I would say all opinions are biased and actions that might change the world are based on biased opinions. That is why knowing opinions is always important.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 10:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Besides that, you often enough told me and others that you give a **** about what I or any other German thinks.

The correct Engish is "do NOT give a ****." The above implies that I do care what Germans think. Actually, I do want to know what native Germans think, since, in my opinion, I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 10:24 am
rabel22 wrote:

Good answer to a smart assed post.

Do I deserve such compliments?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 02:31 pm
Foofie wrote:
... I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

you mean like macy's thanksgiving parade, or the rose parade?
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 02:32 pm
and good for him.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 03:02 pm
Foofie wrote:

I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

I haven't.

I'm a great fan of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band (especially their Wings of Dixie combo). (

And just today I got by mail a new recording of the Onward Brass Band.

But I do like the 'tambour corps' in my native town as well, dating back to 1412 ...
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 04:30 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:

I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

I haven't.

I'm a great fan of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band (especially their Wings of Dixie combo). (

And just today I got by mail a new recording of the Onward Brass Band.

But I do like the 'tambour corps' in my native town as well, dating back to 1412 ...

oh yeah, we see how it is... you guys probably still drink beer and where them funny leather shorts, too.

how come y'all ain't actin' like good patriotic 'mericans, son?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 07:23 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

Foofie wrote:
... I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

you mean like macy's thanksgiving parade, or the rose parade?

The Thanksgiving Day parades are a segue to shopping for Christmas. Rather than ask me questions, on my posts, you can Google for an answer also.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 07:25 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foofie wrote:

I am not so sure all native Germans have lost the love of a good marching band.

I haven't.

I'm a great fan of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band (especially their Wings of Dixie combo). (

And just today I got by mail a new recording of the Onward Brass Band.

But I do like the 'tambour corps' in my native town as well, dating back to 1412 ...

American military, when marching, have their hands hanging almost limp at their sides, and feet moving in a neat walking unison. No goose stepping, like we even see today in some countries. I get nauseous when I see a goose stepping soldier.
Reply Thu 3 Sep, 2009 09:21 pm
why don't ya knock it off with the nazi **** with walter, dude. he's one of the most polite people on this forum. unlike some others.

you are doing him a disservice and embarrassing yourself.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:15 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

why don't ya knock it off with the nazi **** with walter, dude. he's one of the most polite people on this forum. unlike some others.

you are doing him a disservice and embarrassing yourself.

Reread my post. I referred to the fact that there are countries today that goose step when marching.

I am not, nor ever was, making references to Nazis, in CONTEXT of Walter. However, Germany, and many of its citizens treat WWII, and its atrocities, as ancient history, especially when it comes to the Israel/Palestinean issues. Too many Germans today seem to forget that there would be no Israel, if there were no German Final Solution. It is only the possible lack of specific memory, that I REMIND Walter, since so many of his fellow Germans seem to think as if the Israelis landed from Mars to bother the Palestineans and Arabs. No, they came from the Displaced Persons that survived the Final Solution. Cause and effect!

Yes, Walter does act like a gentleman on the forum. But, I think it appropriate that German nationals are REMINDED that Jews have not forgotten what Nazis did (not Walter), since the problems in Israel are a direct result of that Nazi regime. If nice non-German Gentiles want to avoid that history, and make Walter feel at home on the forum, that is fine. I would not ever try to get others to take my viewpoint, since one has to be a Jew (aka, Jewish), I believe, to understand the depth of emotion of having one-third of one's ethnic group (not racial mind you) hunted down to be exterminated ONLY SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Proselytize manners to me in two, or three hundred years. You do not hear me lamenting the Spanish Inquisition's treatment of Jews. Too much time has past. But sixty-five years? Be a nice Gentile, and do not tell me to forget something so recent, when so many German citizens truly have no remorse for killing off a segment of their citizenry for demented reasons.

Lastly, I am only communicating to Walter for the purpose of Walter being a messenger of sorts to other Germans. The message being that perhaps American Jews are not as docile, as many of those ex-Soviet Jews that are settling in Germany, and (the American Jews) have not forgotten the Final Solution.

Walter I am sure, is a nice person, that I would like for a neighbor. But, he may have earned the right to be my messenger when he posted months ago that his family were "free farmers" going back to the late Middle Ages. Such awareness of one's German roots won that privilege.

Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:25 am
foofie wrote:
Too many Germans today seem to forget that there would be no Israel, if there were no German Final Solution.

Stop that crap, foofie, you are again showing ignorance about the creation of Israel.

The idea of creating a Jewish state was in the air one hundred years previously to the Holocaust.

I wish Setanta could come here with matters that prove you wrong..
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:51 am
Francis wrote:

foofie wrote:
Too many Germans today seem to forget that there would be no Israel, if there were no German Final Solution.

Stop that crap, foofie, you are again showing ignorance about the creation of Israel.

The idea of creating a Jewish state was in the air one hundred years previously to the Holocaust.

I wish Setanta could come here with matters that prove you wrong..

True, but a non-sequitor, since the Holocaust was the IMMEDIATE cause in 1948 for Israel to become a Zionist State. You might not be aware of how disgusted many Londoners were of those "foreign Jews" (aka, Displaced Persons), making London less of a lovely city, in the opinion of many. In my opinion, Israel's coming into existence in 1948 was the direct result of the Final Solution being less than completely successful in the eyes of the Nazis. Yes, there was a Zionist movement since the late 19th century, but it would not have come to fruition in 1948, without the Holocaust.

I hear that some French Jews today are emigrating to Montreal, since there is a certain demographic in Paris, and its environs, that seem to have acquired a certain degree of anti-Semitism. France's loss will be Quebec's gain. Watch the rise of Quebec.
Reply Fri 4 Sep, 2009 08:57 am
If I judge by your example, I'm not sure that every Jew leaving France is a loss nor do I think that it's Quebec gain.

But I tend to think that you are one of those few black sheep that makes me ashamed to be part of the same humankind as you...

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