Me, I semi hate a lot of the series noted as nostalgic. I guess I'm tough to nostalge. Hopalong Cassidy, the show, which I apparently liked enough that my mother sewed me a cowgirl skirt.. The good part about that as we had some time after that for her to teach me to sew.
And others, like Mash, yes, yes, but I'm not actually nostalgic. Which brings up, what is nostalgia, and what has it to do with age?
Meantime, I'd say I wouldn't mind seeing Huntly and Brinkley one more time.
The probable key memory was that at an early time, my father came home with the film for Bambi. (8 mm? 16 mm?) 8. That would have been 1950. I do remember Bambi, the discomfort, and the sweet parts. And our apartment, and the seeing of it. So, nostalgia.
On Howdy Doody, I was in the studio during a show once, as it was in the rko building. I'm not nostalgic. And I was not a sophisticated kid. I just didn't care.