If anyone has the time today I'd really appreciate some feedback. I have today & tomorrow off work & am hoping to finalize some sort of broadband arrangement during this time.
I rang
iinet a couple of days ago (after more comparisions with other packages with other companies). Here's what they considered the best deal for me. Including a few surprises.
OK: 4GB in all. 2GB peak & 2GB off-peak.
That's $29.95 for broadband provision & S29.5 for line rental. $59.95 monthly for both.
Cost of phone calls will be extra, with a good rate for land-line & calls to mobiles
(I can increase my usage at any time (involving no extra fee) to the next plan (5GB p + 5GB o/p) if I find the 4G is not sufficient for my needs.)
So far so good. Quite an improvement on my current (dial up & phone line & phone costs with Telstra.)
Also I'm told I can pay with BPAY, which I'd be very pleased about. (They send me a bill each month & I can pay at the post office (a 5 minute walk away from home.) I specifically stated that I did not want to use my credit card. I'm cutting down drastically.)
The things I hadn't factored in, but are part of the deal:
* there's a
$75 entry/joining fee. I didn't know that before. (Is this the usual arrangement?)
* The provision of a
modem is not necessarily part of the deal. I can choose to provide my own modem or take up their option of of a "provided" wireless modem.
* To take up this wireless modem-included option, I would need to enter into a 24 month
contract with the company. (Quite expensive, the modem) If, down the track, I break my contract with them, I will be required to pay $80 for the modem, plus a fee for breaking the contract.
SO .......
Obviously my response to this possible contract is complicated by my desire to include my line rental within the deal. But it looks a far better deal than I've been receiving from Telstra. (Not hard!

My main concern is the length of the contract. I'm only considering such an arrangement because
iinet has such a very solid customer satisfaction rating in the survey. And because their broadband provision costs are considerable cheaper than the likes of
BigPond, etc. If they were a very small, insignificant provider I wouldn't even be considering entering into such a lengthy contract with them.
Any thoughts on the modem provision part of the deal, as well?
OK, I will continue looking today & tomorrow, but any feedback would be very much appreciated.