Mail readers raise £2,000 to treat blind puppy found shaking with fear after he was dumped at a motorway service station
"The helpless blind puppy dumped at a motorway service station has had his vet bills well and truly covered – thanks to the generosity of Daily Mail readers.
The terrified animal – thought to be an eight-week-old miniature Shetland sheepdog – was found cowering in the ladies’ toilets by a shop worker earlier this month.
Nearly £2,000 has been raised since his story moved dog-lovers across the country, and yesterday his rescuer thanked everyone who had donated to the appeal.
Curled up and shaking in fear, the tiny scrap of fur was found by a shop worker at Roadchef Services at Sandbach on the M6 in Cheshire earlier this month.
His owner, who has not been traced, is thought to have dumped the puppy – believed to be a miniature Shetland sheepdog aged eight-to-ten weeks – after discovering he was blind.
Staff wrapped him in a blanket and gave him some water, and he has now been adopted by maintenance manager Ian Schofield.
Colleagues and motorists using the services have been voting to pick a name, in exchange for a donation to charity – with the result due to be announced this week, the overwhelming frontrunner is Louie, after the loo beside which he was found.
But with a consultation with a vet specialising in eye problems costing £300 alone, on top of routine jabs, staff also set up an online appeal for help with the bills.
On Friday, the total stood at £540, but following publicity in the Mail it had yesterday reached £2,375.
Eileen Garner, who pledged £10, wrote: ‘Can’t print what I think of anyone who would do this to such a gorgeous puppy. He’s better off without them.’
Linda Dickson, who gave £20, commented: ‘It broke my heart that anyone could do that. Little puppy must have been so frightened especially as she is blind. Thank goodness for the wonderful people at Sandbach services.’
And Karen Dedman, who gave £20, said: ‘Thank you for taking care of this beautiful dog. Here is a little something to help you with the vet fees.’