On spiders in the home - some links
No idea of efficaciousness - much less toxicity of lemon pledge
from a poster on this link -
"Spider Repellent
Natural spider repellent can be done two ways of both if you prefer. The first is chestnuts, yes chestnuts spiders hate chestnuts and they won't even come near them. So if you place them around your house cottage or shed they will stay away.
The second way to repel spiders is to use Lemon Pledge. Its not a natural spider repellent but it works. Spiders hate lemons and their taste buds are on the tips of their legs. So by spraying your window and door frames inside and out will keep spiders away."
Seems useful -
A site that has some suggestion for spraying the spiders with natural stuff (scroll down a bit), but that presumes you see them. Oh, damn, I can't find that link again. Well, from memory, it talked about Dr. Brommer's liquid pepperment soap and mixing it with some essential oils such as lavender and diluting. Alas, I've no photo memory. But, as I mentioned, that seemed to be for spraying the spider that you see.
A few sites I looked at mention cleaning right up front (yawn), which I suppose is good; I was more taken by the one above that talked about sealing possible entry cracks (etc.) with a sealant.
Another with more suggestions -
So, that was one page of googleing for "how to get rid of spiders in the house the natural way". There another one million and thirty thousand entries I didn't check...
Dj's gadget looks interesting. Those kind of things didn't work for me for mice in northern california - something else did (the Victor electronic mouse trap, which has a housing for peanut butter next to a battery and zapper) - but I can imagine them working for spiders.