@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
I don't get Conservatives and compassion.
Families losing their house because of unethical lending... they should have been more careful.
Law abiding citizens singled out by police because of the color of their skin... we need law enforcement.
Credit card companies extracting over 20% interest from the poorest families... thats how business works.
People finding out their insurance companies won't cover their disease as a pre-existing condition... well that's life.
I don't get it.... Conservatives can't find any room in their cold hearts for broken families, poverty or victims of racial profiling.
But you have compassion for telemarketers?
... I suppose that's sweet.
Apparently you just don't get conservatives as none of the things you list are true with the exception of those wanting attention.
Unethical lenders should be prosecuted, Buyers should beware. I had a lawyer for all my real estate deals. If I can do that, so can everyone.
Law abiding citizens singled out because of race? Referring to Gates I assume. Be nice to the cops and they will be nice to you. Be a dick and you get what you give.
Credit card companies suck. Stop using them.
Pre-existing conditions not being handled by insurance... that's hardly new and it really sucks sometimes. Yep. That's life. Stop getting new insurance.
The human condition effects us all, liberal or conservative. Conservatives like me expect the individual to deal with their problems. Liberals like you seem to want someone else to be your mommy and daddy and take care of you and your problems. It's a matter of personal responsibility.