Wait. There were subtitles in certain parts.
There were definitely funny parts, but that one guy who laughs louder, and at everything was sitting right behind me. Not a big deal, but I was probably laughing more at the tiny excuse for a movie screen.
Yeah, but what's even more annoying are the two old ladies who keep uncrinckilng candies and saying "What did they say?" and then a recourse of dialogue you just heard.
One of those crinkly ladies is my ancient mother, though I don't think "Kill Bill" is on her list right now...She's always been a joy to watch films with. In addition to "What did they say," it's "Who do you think did it?"
D'art, my mother thought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was "too violent"...I highly doubt I will ever see Kill Bill with her, nor do I suspect she will see it herself.
Slappy, we went to one of the downtown megaplexes because we had free passes, and got a giant screen and digital Dolby. Heh heh...
Borrichone, I can see how the movie could be taken that way, we had a friend who thought the same, but it was a fine and faithful modern take on what is essentially a "B" genre, so for that, I give it props, just like I did for Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Corpses" for the schlock horror homage. Top 2 box office gross movies here this weekend: Kill Bill and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
It's really nice to hear (says she cackling, wrinkling papers) that movie theaters are as awful as I remember them! Living in the country, I've become a video person. Yeah, yeah, "It's never as good as it is on the big screen." It's good enough for me: no talkers, no stinky smell, and I feel about the remote the way Chauncey Gardener did -- why put up with stuff you don't like? Zap it!
You mean "KILL BILL" is a movie?
I thought my television was talking to me again, giving me instructions from God.
Oops. How do I explain this to my neighbor Bill's wife and kids?
Great Film.
I saw it twice in a week - once in New York, once in London. The NYC audience was much more animated and laughed a lot more than the London one - interesting in itself.
I found it beautifully made, fun and with just enough tongue-in-cheek to allow me to laugh with it. My favourite Tarantino film so far.
Soundtrack is also really fun.
"I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks"
We saw it an thought it was a great revenge flick. The violence is so over the top, it doesn't seem real. It was so drop dead threatening, like the scene at the house where Uma addresses one assasins daughter.
ye110man, I forgot to address the ratings thing....I can actually tell you how they avoided a harsh rating. One, the bloodiest scene, when Uma slaughters all those evil dudes, was filmed in black and white. Also, the scene explaining the origin of Lucy Lu's carachter was animated. There was no way a live child actress could be used in a sequence like that, but animation walks the line. Same for massive gore. If you shoot it in black and white, you can squeak by with a lower rating.
I liked Kill Bill. I liked the beginning with that awsome song that fit perfect. I like her will power scene in the truck. I like the cartoon scene. It is a movie people will either like or hate. It isn't for everyone. I espeically liked the line "Silly rabbit tricks are for kids." And how it bounced between the two while they said it.
The blood is really bad fake blood they use in kung-fu movies. They used pounds and pounds of that stuff.
An opinion with no bloodless by the BlueMonkey.
An opinion with no bloodless by the BlueMonkey.
Okay that sucked.
It should read "A bloodless opinion by the BlueMonkey."
A correction from the very embarrassed BlueMonkey.
Hi BlueMonkey and welcome to a2k.
You can edit your posts by going to the "button" above your post after you've made a mistake/wish to re-phrase, etc.
Have fun, KP
I heard that in the scene where hot Uma cuts off the French broad's arm, they had to reshoot several times because Quentin needed more fake blood.

It was so over the top, action-packed, can't wait for the second one.
A friend of mine gave me a copy of Reservoir Dogs. Trying to "educate" me about the Tarantino genius. I watched it twice back to back. The first time to learn. Second time to see anything I missed. Conclusion: it is of no cultural artistic or entertainment value whatsoever.
"that French broad" = Sophie Dreyfus
Maybe it's my penchant for French women but I found her f'ing gorgeous!
I would know every part of her on sight, KP, but I'm bad with names.
Sophie, unlike many others in the film including O-Ren (Lucy Liu), had a perfect Japanese accent, and yeah I thought Sophie was drop-dead gorgeous too!
I can't wait for #2 either, cav.
I wasn't a big fan of Pulp Fiction though.
Sorry, my mistake!
I mixed up the character name with her real name:
Character: Sophie Fatale
Real name: Julie Dreyfus
Here's a reference to her films/bio etc. - a bit limited, actually, but it does show that she's fluent in Japanese.
She was also the casting director in Japan, apparently, due to her command of the language, I suppose.
thanks Kitchenpete that explains the button.
Sometimes I need a little push to see things right in front of my face.
A big thank you from the BlueMonkey.