Sylvia in our production does some doggy things occassionally, but yeah, for the most part she acts sort of human. But she has little dog mannerisms, and walks on the furniture (especially during the part where she gets the shoe and runs around with it) and she waves her butt around and stuff. And when she comes in at first she gets down on hands and knees momentarily to explore under the desk chair. But she doesn't do that for the whole production, just at times to sort of bring out the humor.
This is a pretty liberal college - we're using all the language. Actually, when we were blocking that scene the first time, for the line where the script says that she's looking over her shoulder, the actress just turned all the way around and bent over so that she was looking through her legs at the "cat" and on the line that starts "up yours with a..." she reaches through her legs with her free hand and flips the cat off. When Greg imitates her pretending to be yelling at his boss, he does the same thing. It's great.
About the kinkiness....heh. Tom's character is starting to scare me a little.
I'll mention the "collar" idea to the constume designer and see what she thinks... we are on kind of a tight budget though.
Right now it's break, so there are no rehearsals. But we did pretty well last week - I missed some, studying for midterms, but they now have this cute little routine thing that the director choreographed for the song in the airport scene, making it even more random. Lol. It actually looks really good. I wish I could watch it, but I have to take line notes. At this point, the director is spending like an hour on each scene going over every single little thing in the scene. It's amazing how little things can make or break comedy. For Kate's line about her book - "I bet Sylvia took it and ate it," one time she said it with just the right emphasis and it was really absurd and really funny, and then she did it only slightly differently and it wasn't.
The production opens sometime soon... I forget when exactly, but I know it's getting pretty close.