My god you think that the human race should just sit on earth until one event or another wipe us out.
Why the hell did, we leave the very few areas on this planet where the climate allows us to live without any form of aid or technology?
Ninety-nine percent of the areas we now live in on the surface of the earth a naked man would die within hours in winter and I am sure that the we could had not had fought our way to every corner of the planet if your thinking was the controlling force behind human beings.
Engineers had been creating technologies to expand our living range long before we had such words as technology or engineering and moving out into the solar system is the same as our ancestors moving south and north and east and west on earth.
In any case sooner or later, sooner as within an hour to later a few hundred thousand years or so the earth will no longer allow large animals to exist at least for a time.
Let see the earth will be hit once more by an object large enough to wipe out the human race from space, super volcanoes will end most life on earth, the earth will once more be cover by ice over it complete surface to a depth of a mile or more……………….
All the above had happen in the past and will surely happen in the future they are not science fiction events.
Our DNA is hard wire to spread out to as large an area as we can to keep local events from wiping us out and earth is now a small area in that regard.