The difference between science and the fake centers like "Creation SCience Institute" or the "Discovery Institute" is that the ID centers will see something like this and declare it a "Mystery and proof of concept of irreducible comlexity" and the Creationit sites will proclaim it "a Mystery and proof positive of a YOUNG EARTH". SCience will be busy trying to understand the mechanisms and the chemistry. You never hear of ANY reseqrch being carried on at the ICS or the Disco Institute
Neither of these "fake science centers" really wants to have any light shown on the subject by actual investigation, testing, and experimentation.They need to have mysteries without answers, phenomena without causes, and assertions without bases in fact.
The Hadrosaur skin cells, according to the first scientific information, were cast and preserved as CAlcium carbonate lattices that included some degraded proteinaceous stuff , hardly soft tissue. The word "soft tissue" was focused on by some science reporter and jumped on by these creationist huckster sites to engorge their fan base.