Wed 24 Jun, 2009 11:26 am
I was hurrying across the house and stubbed my toe pretty bad on a concrete step. Pretty sure it's broken but the worst thing is that my toenail was ripped out from the base (where the root is). It is still attached at the top of the toe. It has been bleeding - profusely at the beginning, now slightly for two days. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I go to the doctor or just self-treat? It is very painful but managed okay with Advil.
I'm surprised it is still bleeding after two days. Make sure you don't get an infection. It might be worth an outpatient visit somewhere.
Oh gosh Boomer - go to the Dr. That makes my stomach churn for you just reading it. At least he can remove that toenail and get the bleeding to stop. Ugh. So sorry!
Hey! I'm boomerang!
I was alerted that there was a new member called boomerrang -- note the "rr".
I don't know about your toe but just wanted to say that people are going to think that you're me so you might get some funny answers to your questions.
I wondered what happened to your avatar...I never picked up on the two r's. Well glad your toe is not messed up...though I still feel for Boomer rang!
oh, i thought you were just in between avatars...
I think I've got it now. Thank goodness for avatars.
It's dangerous to get an infection at the bed of the could end up with it never growing back. Go have it taken care of.
Whats the situation now a few months on? Three nights ago I droped a wooden box about 4kg on my toenail, it hurt like mad the worst pain i've ever experienced. On further inspection I can see that like your it is still attached to the tip of the nail but the cuticle part has ripped out leaving a big gaping hole in the base of my nail. I did go see the nurse and she told me that the nail would fall off in about two weeks and the other one would grow back. Is this what has happened to yours now? can you drive with it or does it hurt too much?