O god " but I love this house!
My ramshackle, cobbled together
Rabbit warren of a home
With the resident wombat among the stumps,
The converted aviary-cum-verandah,
Erstwhile office, now sporting the attractive
Possum dug feature-hole in one wall.
Layer upon layer upon layer of history
And of cladding on the walls, inside and out.
It's a wonder that the wind still leaks.
Topsy turvy construction, dado and wiring
Inverted, according to the whimsical scheme
Of a previous owner.
Held together with baling wire and chewing gum.
Primitive, impractical and somehow fun.
My rambling haven. Welcoming, warm.
Though physically bleak and draughty, its charm
Lies in its combo of age, adaptation.
There's nothing this house hasn't seen and transcended.