I don't find it at all funny
Try the "Can you proof (sic) that god doesn't exist" thread - or it is called something like that...
I need a colorful, autumn, maple leaf. Plus some help in placing it as my avatar. I imagine the directions are already posted on this site.
Mapleleaf, just click on anyone's avatar, and you will be whisked to the avatar tutorial.
And a couple more:
Looks like these pictires were protected, so I removed them!
My gawd! A lone mapleleaf, still wet behind the ears....

ahhh..looks like we have all been looking at maple leaves!!
i want to give mine to Heevan, don't know how tho.
What lovely leaves!
I'm joining the party fashionably late as usual... I picked my avatar because I'm a cook and I love chili peppers and spicy food.
And I'm a hot little pepper myself!
Mikey, I think Craven's tutorial has instructions for picking up pictures from various sources that Heevan may be able to follow. If not, maybe you could ask him personally?
marycat, You need three peppers on your avatar. Put a bikini on one.

Hi, marycat, and welcome. I deduce from your profile you are a mysterious sort with an interest in food. Lots of folks here enjoy good mysteries, and even more are partial to food. You'll fit right in.
timber, who edited this post due to having carelessly typed the word "even" with an incorrect number of "C's"
Why I selected the wine avatar....
I chose the glass of wine and wine bottle because I love wine. "A day without wine is a day without sunshine!" Also, "Life is too short to drink bad wine!"
Vietnamnurse! Hi, and welcome! I haven't seem from you in a long, long while. Its great you found this place. From threads long gone by on another forum, I feel I know you well enough to call you just plain VnN ... LOL. You're gonna love the party, and the fact you brought your own bottle will not be unappreciated.
Thanks for the welcome, Timber! I really like it here...I brought more than one bottle though....more like several cases! :wink:
We have to start getting ready for the New Year, so Slainte Va!
NOw my avatar is my niece and I.