dlow, you wearin' your sunnies inside? doin' zz-top proud?
Sure. Take a look around. Didn't you notice the padded walls? I think you'll be very comfortable here. It's very... quiet.
dlowan wrote:I'm inside?!
Yes, dear. Now just relax, and sip this orange juice. You'll feel very much better in no time at all. Perhaps you should sit down ....
Don't do it Boss ! ! ! It's a trick, they're gonna lock ya up ! ! !
Fly away . . . i mean, hop a way little bunny . . . make a break for freedom ! ! !
Hmmmmmmm - Bunny takes out concealed knife again - wards off agents of evil, bounds to door - freedom!!!!! Considers use of concealed machine gun as she departs, but, being a peaceful and benevolent soul, she decides against....
Whew, that was a close one . . . remember, cunning coney, i am your friend, i only chase squirrels, not bunnies . . .
Aren't virtual games fun, bunny-use the cannon, give'm no chance!
Hmmmmmm - I believe if I carried a concealed cannon that people would be in doubt about my gender - and I don't so very much want THAT!
Setanta - Squiggles is me COUSINS!
This ain't gonna lead to no feudin', i hope . . . squirrel chasin' is in my blood . . .
Hmmmmmm - do you ever do any squiggle CATCHING?
A little chasin' can be fun..... 'tis the catching that does the damage....
Naw, i just run 'em up a tree . . . i ain't no killer . . . they just needs ta know their place, which ain't on the ground . . .
Grrrrrr - a rodent's place is EVERYWHERE!
rodent, from rodere, "to gnaw" . . . you sure squirrels fit in that category?
Yep - look at the TEETH, boss, the TEETH!
So Terry Thomas was a rodent ? ! ? ! ? Well, i'll be damned . . .
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! He was never "out"! We keep these things under our fur....
Would it violate the Prime Directive if I gave the squiggles some WOMDs?
Clean bombs, of course - they come with wittle dustpans and bwooms to clean up the fall-out.....
I'll have to find a link to the song Cows with Guns fer ya . . .