Letters are wonderful. I have this wicker basket I call my memory box and in this basket, I have letters I've saved from my grandmother to me when I was a child, from my father to me when I was in college, from my friends from highschool when I went away to college, from all sorts of people- and the other night, my daughter and I were looking through it and she was absolutely amazed. First of all that people used to write letters like that and secondly that I saved all this stuff (but I save everything. I still have all my report cards since kindergarten - my teacher wrote - Rebecca is doing very well writing her letters - but she still reverses '3 and 7'

) .
It also gave her some real insight into people in her family - her grandfather (she said, 'Wow! Papa's a great writer'...her dad (she was reading his letters to me before we were married and she was born) her uncle,ec.
Anyway - since e-mail, I've only saved two letters. And that's from my best friend now who's sent me two letters and I've saved them because I like his handwriting and hardly ever get to see it.
My favorite letter is from my little brother who had a learning disability and he wrote it when I was going away to college. All it said was: 'I wish you to stay.'
How can e-mail replace stuff like that? You can look back and remember people and how they were with you and you with them.
I think not writing or receiving letters as much is such a loss for people.
Although, yes, e-mail is more convenient.