just to make sure of the accuracy of the news story as presented. We have the following (gunga also presented this but, ...
Quote: A few days later, the couple received a written warning that cited "unlawful use of land," ordering them to either "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit," the couple's attorney Dean Broyles told San Diego news station 10News.
The specific information is connecting a shaky "Unlawful use of land" and "Stop religious assembly". Seems I recall the various subcases that resulted from the Wisconsin v Yoder days.
Free expression of ones religion does not exclude assembies of the faithful. Free expression , to me, is whatever means one uses to practice ones religion, be it alone , in a group, or in a fellowship/study group.
I guess that Ill reluctantly have to agree with GUNGASNALE on this one. Most of you folks are missing where this is going. Its a waste of time and money because some douche bag public official couldnt even word a nusiance information properly. Either the pastors get togethers were, like an eternal yard sale messing with the free expression of traffic or theres an implied nuisance with a weekly gathering of over a given number of people unrelated to the household . Bringing the religious aspect into it was the Municipalities choice and a particularly stupid one because the case is gonna cost millions.