Mon 11 May, 2009 09:59 pm
I'm heartbroken. All that meat and no taters.
Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?
sigh Sglass
I was thumbing through aol news and noted a statement that Cooper avoids being seen in public with his boyfriend, something about image. Amazing the bluebloods of our society.
He does look the part, doesn't he?
I looked though Google, and it appears that Cooper has not come out yet. I have no doubt but that he is.
Does it matter? It must be taters to somebody.
Bigtime, luscious, multi-million-dollar taters!
He's a CNN reporter who became more famous after his outrageous reports
in New Orleans during the Katrina disaster.
Who also happens to be the son of Gloria Vanderbilt.
Thanks, Jane. No wonder I didn't know. Wrong country!
You don't get CNN in Australia msolga?