Of course I am against capital punishment.
But take school massacre or a robbery at a bank.
Lots of people are in danger and maybe already killed.
The police has a chance to shoot the person/s.
It is not in self defence - the police is not in danger.
Should they or shouldn´t they shoot the person/s?
Isn´t that also a form of capital punishment without a legal trial?
How do you see a scenario like that - especially if one you love is in danger?
So far I think everybody is relieved when the person/s are dead and young people are saved.
Take abortions.
Of course a woman should have the right to abortions. She is even seen as an emacipated woman.
A woman who for whatever reason prefers to adopt her child away is seen as a "bad mother"
How about abortions in India or China where abortions often are made for only one reason - the healthy child is aborted because it has the wrong gender? Do you agree on that?
How about children that are handicapped ? Doctors suggest it is best for you and the child it is aborted.
Will it in the future be that people with handicapped children will be looked down on - handicapped children do cost a lot for the national health insurance.
The birth itself can cause a handicap. Does this child not have the right to live?