OmSigDAVID wrote:
If the bad guy is not killed on-the-job by a successful victim,
and the b.g. is captured by police, I suggest that he be BANISHED
from the North American Continent, with sneaking back in prohibited on pain of death.
ehBeth wrote:
Quote:and what country/continent do you think is going to accept them?
That is alien to my concept, tho it might be possible
that we coud work something out; many countries woud like
some ez cash for their assistance; money talks
It really does; I 've had a lot of experience with that.
It gets good and eager co-operation.
America owns islands in the Aleutian chain
that are closer to Japan than to America.
My concept of banishment does
not necessarily entail
I 'd plainly mark them to indicate their toxicity
(referring to a history of malicious recidivated violence, sane or not)
after our having taken their fingerprints & DNA samples.
Then abandon them; I 'm willing to negotiate qua the possibility
of dropping off occasional sandwiches.
If thay leave, then possibly bleeding heart liberal countries
might take pity on them (which I do not recommend)
and accept them in, in return for which thay 'd very likely keep recidivating.
Quote:Do you really think that the U.S. is still that powerful -
Demonstrably it is,
but that does
not matter; its a moot point. That woud be indecent.
We are not criminals to prey on other countries like that;
(only counter-predation, in self defense).
that other countries will put up
with the donation of American white trash?
Only a very small percentage of the trash is white.
When I was on the job, in the morning I used to see
daisy chains of prisoners being led to arraignment
by bailiffs. If any of them were white, he contrasted
very starkly from the others. It looks like something
u 'd have expected to see before the Civil War.
ehBeth wrote:
Quote:Maybe other, more economically powerful, countries will demand reciprocity -
what do you propose doing with a wholesale delivery of Chinese criminals when they arrive in the U.S.
That is what the military defense of American sovereignty is for,
but again: I woud never invade another country to use it as a toxic waste dump. That is unconscionable.
In my vu, the only justification for invading
another country is self defense from that country.