yes, and it most likely be that way while it's new.
The static is generated by you as you sit-move-leave the couch. Several factors come into play:-
1. The type of floor covering you have
2. the type of soles on your footwear
3. the type of clothing you have on
4. The dryness of the sofa
5. the dryness of the air.
The big one is #3. Just all start going NAKED and the problem will go away.
Yes, a humidifier would reduce the problem, but not get rid of it. It would not harm most electronics. I would only use it whilst the room is being used, not let it run 24Hrs.. The extra humidity will do less harm than a bad static discharge would do to most stuff.
Surface treatment of the sofa with anti-static spray.
If you use a fine water spray, then you should also spray the floor coverings (carpet?)
Anti-static the carpet also.
Over time, as the sofa becomes more used, the problem will likely reduce. But I understand the need is NOW!