InfraBlue wrote:Also,
prejudice cannot be legislated.
Disagree. Although I was just a child at the time, I remember how white people talked and acted about black people before the civil rights marches and legislation of the mid sixties.
After all that legislation passed, something definitely began to change in white people's attitude. Before all that, people would think nothing of sitting at a table and, if a black person walked by, they would wait until he was barely out of earshot to make all kinds of nasty observations and speculations about their sex life, or anything at all. And it would be considered normal behavior.
By the seventies, a person doing that would NOT be considered so normal. Perhaps nobody would stop him on his speeches, but people would begin to gradually walk away, or other wise show that this was not considered normal behavior.
Legislation, in this case, really did begin to change peoples' attitudes. I witnessed it. It takes time, but the changes are there.