so, are you on a well or do you pull water from a spring? the THMs confuse me unless youve got some tannins from trees that are seeping into ground water and then are getting hlorinated. DO you have a chlorination syatem on your well? cause if you do, Id switch to UV or microfiltration with those THMS,.
THMWS are trihalomethanes and are usually found as a result of water treatment of the natural water syastem having organic acids or soluble tannins from trees. (Otherwise its a result of upstream human activity ).
THMs are associated with birth defects and some cancers and immunosystem changes.
The neat thing is that the THMs , if a natural concern, are easy to clear out, a carbon contactor for th drinking water portion is easy to install unser the sinks. A whole house Carbon contactor is not real feasible because most of our water doesnt go for actual drinking .
Still, get the pH report from the water guy, Ill bet he took it at the tap and just didnt report it to you. If he didnt , ask him why not. Im saure he did a tap hardness and a pH meter is just easilky deployed into a beaker while running water into it..