Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 08:44 pm
Another similar story in the news...


A head teacher who was accused of racism after she tried to scrap separate assemblies for Muslim children at her school has resigned.

Julia Robinson's departure follows an 18-month dispute over her attempt to hold a single weekly assembly for all pupils at Meersbrook Bank primary school, in Sheffield, regardless of their faith. Although the plan was backed by staff and many parents, some Muslim parents objected and accused Mrs Robinson of being racist.

Sheffield council refused to discuss why Mrs Robinson had resigned but a teacher at the school said that she had been under a lot of pressure, while a parent claimed that she had her hands tied and was forced out. The school's chairman of governors has also quit....
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:13 pm
I live in Germany, as a couple of A2K'ers can testify.
You see, the thread is about Englisj law. I've been to England on a more or less regularily basis since 1963. I've studied law (though not English law) ...
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:20 pm
When I was at school (here in Germany) we didn't have any Christian services in school but in churches for the different faiths/religions.

I should think that the law governing such is different to the Child Act - but you didn't answer my< question about it.

I've think, you aren't interested in discussing the subject, are just collecting some news and have no idea at all what you are pasting and copying here.

I'm sorry now that fall in the trap of such idiocy.

Have a nice day.
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:27 pm
I view the UN as basically toxic; it's hard to believe anything beneficial to children could come out of such an organization when everybody and everything else on the planet is harmed by it.

Let's compare the half million Iraqi children who died because of the illegal US embargo to what the UN does for children around the world; let's compare the hundreds of thousands, possibly up to a million children who were napalmed or carpet bombed, or just lined up and shot in Vietnam by US forces to what the UN does for children around the world; let's compare the ... .

To countenance such evil you'd have to be the spawn of the devil. You positively rejoice in it, Gunga.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 03:12 am
I am highly surpised that the learned and erudite Setanta does not know that there are, officially One Million Muslims in London,half of them under twenty five. On the first anniversary of the July 7m 2005, Tube Bombings, the Times of London commissioned a poll of British Muslims. Among the findings
"7 percent agree that suicide attacks on civilians can be justified in some circumstances,rising to 16 % for a military target"

If 7 percent think that suicide attacks on civilians are justified, that's70,000 potential supporters. Most of them will neverbomb a bus or even provide shelter or a bank account to anyone who does. But some of them will.

As September 11 demonstrated, you only have to find nineteen stout hearted men, and from a talent pool of 70,000 that's not bad odds.

"America Alone' by Mark Styne
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 07:14 am
In theory of course, you could eliminate the problem by banning the practice of I-slam and heaving the slammites. The good news is that the slammite world proper is big enough to absorb those which ultimately get heaved out of western countries; it stretches from the wall of China to the west coast of Africa and thirty to fifty degrees of latitude up and down,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 07:25 am
Let's compare the half million Iraqi children who died because of the illegal US embargo ...

That was under Slick KKKlintler, wasn't it?? Sorry but it's not obvious what the normal people in America are supposed to do to prevent the demokkkrats putting psychos and ideologues in positions of power once in a while.

W. in fact saw the problem with the embargo and the whole situation in Iraq and fixed it, and caught every sort of grief over it and was totally villified for the eight years he was involved in it.

Without our taking Iraq over we HAD to embargo it of course. That dickhead Hussein had been sitting there taking potshots at us for fifteen or twenty years; he appeared to have been involved in Oklahoma city and the first trade center bombing and was provably involved in the anthrax attacks which followed 9/11, and was a general menace to the near East region and the major cause of our needing to keep troops in Saudi.

Conversely the two American wars which I have the biggest problems with would be Nam and Kosovo, both archetypal demokkkrat wars.

In fact Dwight Eisenhower stood right there on the dias when that dickhead John the camel-lot kid Kennedy was being sworn in and warned them all specifically not to get involved in any further Asian land wars and what happened?

I mean, according to demokkkrat-think we had advisers in Nam under Ike, but what the ****, the thing advisers are paid to produce is advice, which is why the name in fact, and they all came back with the same good advice i.e. don't do it. All the camel-lot kid had to do was heed the advice.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 07:27 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The question really is, how would you actually try to justify the story this thread is about in any sort of a debate. How could anybody possibly blame a foster parent or care provider if a teenage charge decides to stop following the violent and misogynist religion of a sick pervert like Mohammed (MHBH)?

How would any sort of an English law justify such a thing as firing the care provider for such a case??
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 09:42 am
Exactly that's why I asked you about the Children Act ... and if you've got more information than juts this single newspaper report.

[If such happened here in Germany, and even if it was legally okay, you still got the right (by federal as well as state constitution) to have the (state, for education, foster would by federal) committee for petition look at it.]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 09:56 am
W. in fact saw the problem with the embargo and the whole situation in Iraq and fixed it, and caught every sort of grief over it and was totally villified for the eight years he was involved in it.

Yeah, what a saint. He replaced an illegal embargo with shock and awe and killed how many children? Let's compare that to what the UN does for children around the world.

And here you are defending a war criminal. What type of scum does that make you?
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 05:09 pm
Yeah, what a saint. He replaced an illegal embargo with shock and awe and killed how many children? Let's compare that to what the UN does for children around the world.

And here you are defending a war criminal. What type of scum does that make you?

Collateral damage during the shock/awe thing was less than Hussein had been killing for fun and sport, which is why people started walking around doing their normal things in the middle of it after they realized it was only regime targets getting hit.

Collateral damage from demoKKKrat wars on the other hand are typically worse. There actually were large numbers of civilian casualties in Nam and many thousnads in Serbia and Kosovo and Kosovo was vastly further from being justifiable than anything in our national history; the major motivation for it was to take Chinagate and that Juanita Broaddrick rape allegation off the front pages of American newspapers and journals.

Other than that the idea of W. being any sortt of a "war criminal" is totally ludicrous. What the hell was he supposed to do? Simply let Saddam Hussein poison the US senate office building with anthrax with impunity??

Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 02:30 am
Gungasnake- You are right on target--There is a great difference between collateral damage and purposeful and targeted killing of people.

The following was written in the New York Times( no right wing source there, of course). Note that Hussein is charged with killing over a MILLION OF HIS PEOPLE.

By removing him, thousands of Iraqi lives have been saved.


How Many People Has Hussein Killed.
Published: January 26, 2003
IN the unlit blackness of an October night, it took a flashlight to pick them out: rust-colored butchers' hooks, 20 or more, each four or five feet long, aligned in rows along the ceiling of a large hangar-like building. In the grimmest fortress in Iraq's gulag, on the desert floor 20 miles west of Baghdad, this appeared to be the grimmest corner of all, the place of mass hangings that have been a documented part of life under Saddam Hussein.

At one end of the building at Abu Ghraib prison, a whipping wind gusted through open doors. At the far end, the flashlight picked out a windowed space that appeared to function as a control room. Baggy trousers of the kind worn by many Iraqi men were scattered at the edges of the concrete floor. Some were soiled, as if worn in the last, humiliating moments of a condemned man's life.

The United States is facing a new turning point in its plans to go to war to topple Mr. Hussein, with additional American troops heading for the Persian Gulf, while France and Germany lead the international opposition. But the pressure President Bush has applied already has created chances to peer into the darkest recesses of Iraqi life.

In the past two months, United Nations weapons inspections, mandated by American insistence that Mr. Hussein's pursuit of banned weapons be halted, have ranged widely across the country. But before this became the international community's only goal, Mr. Bush was also attacking Mr. Hussein as a murdering tyrant. It was this accusation that led the Iraqi leader to virtually empty his prisons on Oct. 20, giving Western reporters, admitted that day to Abu Ghraib, a first-hand glimpse of the slaughterhouse the country has become.

In the end, if an American-led invasion ousts Mr. Hussein, and especially if an attack is launched without convincing proof that Iraq is still harboring forbidden arms, history may judge that the stronger case was the one that needed no inspectors to confirm: that Saddam Hussein, in his 23 years in power, plunged this country into a bloodbath of medieval proportions, and exported some of that terror to his neighbors.

Reporters who were swept along with tens of thousands of near-hysterical Iraqis through Abu Ghraib's high steel gates were there because Mr. Hussein, stung by Mr. Bush's condemnation, had declared an amnesty for tens of thousands of prisoners, including many who had served long sentences for political crimes. Afterward, it emerged that little of long-term significance had changed that day. Within a month, Iraqis began to speak of wide-scale re-arrests, and officials were whispering that Abu Ghraib, which had held at least 20,000 prisoners, was filling up again.

Like other dictators who wrote bloody chapters in 20th-century history, Mr. Hussein was primed for violence by early childhood. Born into the murderous clan culture of a village that lived off piracy on the Tigris River, he was harshly beaten by a brutal stepfather. In 1959, at age 22, he made his start in politics as one of the gunmen who botched an attempt to assassinate Iraq's first military ruler, Abdel Karim Kassem.

Since then, Mr. Hussein's has been a tale of terror that scholars have compared to that of Stalin, whom the Iraqi leader is said to revere, even if his own brutalities have played out on a small scale. Stalin killed 20 million of his own people, historians have concluded. Even on a proportional basis, his crimes far surpass Mr. Hussein's, but figures of a million dead Iraqis, in war and through terror, may not be far from the mark, in a country of 22 million people.

Where the comparison seems closest is in the regime's mercilessly sadistic character. Iraq has its gulag of prisons, dungeons and torture chambers -- some of them acknowledged, like Abu Ghraib, and as many more disguised as hotels, sports centers and other innocent-sounding places. It has its overlapping secret-police agencies, and its culture of betrayal, with family members denouncing each other, and offices and factories becoming hives of perfidy.
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 05:03 am
Lovely place... i.e. Iraq under Saddam and his baath party.

Of course to JTT and his fellow leftists George W. Bush is the villain in this picture having cold bloodedly murdered billions of Iraqi children with AC (Anti Children) bombs. Leftists have their own separate reality now, kind of like drug addicts.

Then again, there actually are child victims of American bombing who somebody should really have to account for. This little girl for instance:

Her name was Milica Rakic. At three years of age when she was killed by a NATO/KKKlintonista bomb in 1999, several hundred kilometers from anything even remotely resembling a military target, to take Chinagate and the Juanita Broaddrick rape story off the front pages of American newspapers, Milica likely has the dubious distinction of being SlicKKK KKKlintler's youngest female victim.

Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 05:08 am
Oh, yeah, there's actually another sort of image you'll turn up doing google searches on 'milica rakic':

What that indicates is that Milica has apparently been designated as a Christian martyr by the Orthodox Church. That kind of puts SlicKKK, Hillary, Mad-dog Albright, Wesley Clark, and everybody else who had anything at all to do with that one on the same page in the history books as the people who burned Joan of Arc.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 05:11 am
Smatter, "jtt"? Room suddenly got too hot for ya or somethin??
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:30 pm
So you've been able to illustrate that the USA fully supports equal opportunity war criminals, and you're somehow pleased with yourself.

It doesn't seem possible but apparently, you're a whole lot dumber than you've shown to date, Gunga.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:34 pm
Genoves wrote: Note that Hussein is charged with killing over a MILLION OF HIS PEOPLE.

but figures of a million dead Iraqis, in war and through terror, may not be far from the mark

You're not the brightest bulb when it comes to facts or reading comprehension, are you, G?
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:35 pm
It's becoming clearer just what type of scum you are.
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:39 pm
Get the figures,JTT. Let's compare them.

Saddam Hussein killed far more OF HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN than the US ever did--and Hussein's killings were not colleratal damage.
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:42 pm
Gungasnake--- Thanks for the heads up _ The left wing wants us to forget the Clinton years in which he bombed Kosovo WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.

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